Does anyone know if this Thomas and betts buttsplice is direct burial rated? Can't seem to find it anywhere
:thumbsup: I just did last week on a house feed. In another month it is going to be time to start getting ready for irrigation start up. Patching up gopher damage is the second rite of spring; right after MLB spring training. Boss sprung for a battery powered crimper. Life's good.I have buried hundreds. Crimp, tape it up, put a heat shrink or gel wrap around it, bury and go home. Most of those kits you see are POS. I've replaced to many of them.
Ilsco makes set screw connectors rated for underground. I've use them for years,never had a failure.
This is what I use. They are rated to be submersed. Never had a problem even with Al conductors.
They are called Polaris Blues.
Do those ends heat shrink down?