I was surprised a few minutes of googling did not turn up a definitive reference for the resistivity of the type of steel used in EMT. A passing reference by
@gar in an old thread here indicated it was a factor of 10 less copper, and included a link to a thread on his measurement of the resistance of a 10' stick of 1/2" EMT, but unfortunately the link was broken (went to the wrong thread).
Anyway, 2" EMT has an OD of 55.8 mm and a wall thickness of 1.65 mm. So its cross-sectional area is pi/4 * (55.8^2 - 52.5^2) = 280.7 mm^2. If the factor of 10 is correct, the equivalent copper conductor area would be 28.07 mm^2. Which is between a #3 AWG and #2 AWG in area.
Cheers, Wayne