16 - 1500 watt lights for tennis court

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Quartz vs MH in my view: When there are guests over trying to find a light switch, they often make errors. The number of times these lights will be used will not tip the scales of the carbon balance. I am quite sure that since this is my job and I am responsible for the satisfaction of the customer, I will be using quartz. Would not even consider using MH. Just not idiot proof. And the idiot is always the last one you would expect. Or the first.

I would go with metal halide also, quartz has to short of a lamp life. I think they will be disapointed with the frequent relamping.

Just have the switch marked "tennis court" so one can identify it, then it won't be switched accidentally.

What is your target footcandle level?
Actually I was hoping for a fun discussion with any specific info from someone who had done a job of similar scope, but should have figured some "journeyman contactor" would have to throw cold water on my party. :)


What's a journeyman contactor?

I would use a multi pole lighting contactor. Then you can use a simple single pole switch to control the whole thing.
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