20 amp outlet

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Rochelle IL.
Is it safe to take a 20 amp outlet, cut the jumper between the two load screws and put two 20amp circuits two that one outlet? I didn't like the idea but a guy I work with said it was fine to do so.
There's no problem that I'm aware of. Do you have a specific concern, or is it just that you don't like the idea of having 2 circuits on 1 yoke? Note that your two 20 amp circuits will need to be handle-tied together.
210.7(B) Multiple Branch Circuits. Where two or more branch circuits supply devices or equipment on the same yoke, a means to simultaneously disconnect the ungrounded conductors supplying those devices shall be provided at the point at which the branch circuits originate.
That's from the 2008 NEC. In 2011 it's just Article 210.7 (without the B).
Is it safe to take a 20 amp outlet, cut the jumper between the two load screws and put two 20amp circuits two that one outlet? I didn't like the idea but a guy I work with said it was fine to do so.

Yes, I believe its safe, and I believe the tabs are intentionally made to be breakable to separate the top and bottom half of the device.

Edit: The P&S catalog even says so: "Easily accessed break off, line contact connecting tab for fast, easy split -circuit wiring."
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