200 Amp Mast

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Rewire said:
After all expenses I have 13.75/hr for each man or 55.00hr.I have no benefit package and our pay is between $15.00-18.00/hr we are not in a big city our county has a population of around 15,000.

Because out in the county nobody gets sick, or needs a doctor, a hospital, or dental work. When they do, the hospital will cover their unpaid health care costs with the money paid by the benefits plans of the responsible employers who live in the "rich city."

Low property taxes mine were $285.00,nice homes for under $90.000.00 some with acreage,sales tax around 5% fuel at $3.00 gal is the only real expense.Very low crime rate 0 murders in the county last year.

Just about everything you pay for costs exactly the same for your employees as it does for me right outside of NYC. A steak, a case of beer, a bar-b-q, a bag of briquets, a gallon of milk, a bottle of shampoo, a new car, a college education, a root canal, a pair of eyeglasses, new windows, a 2x4, a swimming pool, a livingroom rug. Fuel. Electricity. Telephone / cellular service. Cable TV.

But somehow, employers in the sticks use the fact that taxes are lower and real estate values are less to justify paying next to nothing to their employees.
macmikeman said:
This is the true reason there are one man shops, and unlicensed moonlighters out there. If all, and I mean all the electrical contractors in this land would pay a proper wage and benifit to the worker then many would ever feel the need to strike out on their own.

The way I see it, Rewire isn't even in the business of electrical contracting. His business is getting others to work for far less than their labor is sold for. He's practically making as much per hour on each employee as he's paying each employee.
satcom said:
I could never understand the benifit of using copper either, when the utility drops are AL, As long as the AL is installed right, it should hold up fine for many years, Eric, I use AL in conduit because the SEU heads tend to allow water into the cable.

and if the aluminum connections are maintained....but mostly i just can't see installing conduit and aluminum...i'm not against aluminum, i'm just against conduit with aluminum for resi risers...
Rewire said:
Low property taxes mine were $285.00,nice homes for under $90.000.00 some with acreage,sales tax around 5% fuel at $3.00 gal is the only real expense.Very low crime rate 0 murders in the county last year.

what does daycare cost? auto insurance? dinner for 2 at a decent restaurant? milk? eggs? it all adds up.
satcom said:
Forget benifits, just paying a living wage costs a good buck, if his area has a lower cost of living, that helps on direct labor costs, but usualy does not help with reducing the overhead, and operating expenses, they are pretty much the same for even the most remote location, and sometimes can be higher if you need to travel any distance from one job to the next such as rural living.

If he can make money at the low rates, more power to him, but I think he may be missing some of his real expenses, seems like he is working more of a job, which is fine as long as you know your cost of operating, so you can stay ahead of the bills.
I am dept free,all trucks are paid for so no collision or comp just liability are rates are lower than in a larger city.Our mechanic charges $60.00hr to work on our trucks much lower than in a large city.Rent on my shop is 350.00 month my fuel cost are 1200.00 month electric runs $30.00 water $15.00 phone/internet package runs 150.00 with taxes my whole outlay runs around 4-5 grand a month add wages of 4x2400week/man thats around 14000/monthI bill 80 hrs at 260 thats 20800.00 that leaves 6800/month
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Because out in the county nobody gets sick, or needs a doctor, a hospital, or dental work. When they do, the hospital will cover their unpaid health care costs with the money paid by the benefits plans of the responsible employers who live in the "rich city."
Why is it the employers responsibility for your health care?If you want health insurance then it should be your responsibility to purchase it

Just about everything you pay for costs exactly the same for your employees as it does for me right outside of NYC. A steak, a case of beer, a bar-b-q, a bag of briquets, a gallon of milk, a bottle of shampoo, a new car, a college education, a root canal, a pair of eyeglasses, new windows, a 2x4, a swimming pool, a livingroom rug. Fuel. Electricity. Telephone / cellular service. Cable

But somehow, employers in the sticks use the fact that taxes are lower and real estate values are less to justify paying next to nothing to their employees.
our cost of living is 23.62% less than the national average,Prime rib dinner $13.00,whats your cost?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
The way I see it, Rewire isn't even in the business of electrical contracting. His business is getting others to work for far less than their labor is sold for. He's practically making as much per hour on each employee as he's paying each employee.
Its called the free market,its called business.
emahler said:
....but mostly i just can't see installing conduit and aluminum...i'm not against aluminum, i'm just against conduit with aluminum for resi risers...

Can't argue with that. :confused:

FWIW my own house has 2/0 copper ...... SE. :)

I chose it for its compact size more then anything.
Rewire said:
Why is it the employers responsibility for your health care?If you want health insurance then it should be your responsibility to purchase it

It's not an employers responsibility to provide food either. If I want to eat, I'll have to make it my responsibility to purchase it. But in order to do that, I have to earn enough to buy it. If you calculate health care into your $18.00 pay rate, that's like saying you're paying $12-14.00 an hour.

In a nutshell, you value your employees at about double what a WalMart cashier earns.

our cost of living is 23.62% less than the national average,Prime rib dinner $13.00,whats your cost?

You're merging cost of living with standard of living. If it costs less to live where you are that is NO justification for paying less. What good is it to live in an area with a lower cost of living if your wages are going to follow suit and you end up doing the same or even worse?

I pay the same price per pound of Prime Rib as your employees do IF they could afford it, but by the sound of it you're employees are eating much better than hotdogs and mac & cheese.

I can go into Sears, McDonalds, or a Ford dealership and the prices are going to be the same everywhere.
electricguy said:
those figures tells me Uncle Sams share will take whats left. but I pay about 1/3 of income for taxes
23% bracket ,we payed cash for our trucks but exspense them over 5 years we also spend on alot on advertising as funds are available
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
If it costs less to live where you are that is NO justification for paying less. What good is it to live in an area with a lower cost of living if your wages are going to follow suit and you end up doing the same or even worse?

Rewire stated that there are 15,000 people in his county. There are over 8 million in New York so I would guess that more than a few would agree with you. But not those 15,000 people living in his county. :grin: :grin:

Employeers pay exactly the same in the city or in the sticks. They pay whatever they are forced to pay to get the labor they need. You are not paid because your employeer loves you, it's a negotiated contract and they pay as little as will be accepted. Given the chance they would replace you with a monkey and smile all the way to the bank.
growler said:
Given the chance they would replace you with a monkey and smile all the way to the bank. [/COLOR]
I've been having problems with the personal hygiene of monkeys, and I'm considering a switch back to human beings.
mdshunk said:
I've been having problems with the personal hygiene of monkeys, and I'm considering a switch back to human beings.

I was being a bit sarcasic there ( didn't really mean monkeys just low paid help). Look at the Auto workers , the companies are buying out the older better paid workers and replacing them with new workers at half the cost.

What makes electrical workers think the same thing won't happen in this industry. All it will take is one big slow down and some of the major contractors going out of business. Air traffic controllers thought they couldn't be replaced. Remember that one.
Given the present shortage of electrical workers, and the dire shortage that is predicted in the near future, I don't think there's much fear of any great portion of the electrical workforce being replaced. Contractors and labor organizations are giving away the farm practically to get people into this trade, and it's still tough going.
iwire said:
Can't argue with that. :confused:

FWIW my own house has 2/0 copper ...... SE. :)

I chose it for its compact size more then anything.

here is the deal...if i'm gonna go through the trouble of installing conduit and pulling wire, i'd rather pull copper...for the average resi riser the cost difference is well under $100...i don't have to worry about the connections in the meter or main...don't have to worry if they are torqued properly or checked regularly...plus i can easily upsell the customer several hundred for the copper...

copper SE? blasphemy:D
growler said:
Rewire stated that there are 15,000 people in his county. There are over 8 million in New York so I would guess that more than a few would agree with you. But not those 15,000 people living in his county. :grin: :grin:

Employeers pay exactly the same in the city or in the sticks. They pay whatever they are forced to pay to get the labor they need. You are not paid because your employeer loves you, it's a negotiated contract and they pay as little as will be accepted. Given the chance they would replace you with a monkey and smile all the way to the bank.
The problem is most do not understande that pay has to come from somewere as money does not magically appear in my bank account I have to get it by charging for the work and the people paying have to charge someone to get that money and so it goes.Mc Ds use to sell a burger for 15 cents .
Rewire said:
The problem is most do not understande that pay has to come from somewere as money does not magically appear in my bank account I have to get it by charging for the work and the people paying have to charge someone to get that money and so it goes.Mc Ds use to sell a burger for 15 cents .

I understand. I'm sure you pay close to what the bigger companies pay.
That area just doesn't pay that well, for anyone. What can you do?

I just checked the job listing for the Local and noticed one for a JW at Fort Benning, scale $15.70 working 4/10's. Even scale isn't very high in some areas.

By the way, what is scale in your area and that will give people an idea of what the pay for everyone is like.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
I can go into Sears, McDonalds, or a Ford dealership and the prices are going to be the same everywhere.

Maybe its the only item with a price difference:roll: . Homeline 2pole 100A.

Jersey City
Item # 13167
Model # HOM2100CP Item # 14387
Model # QF115P Item # 14801
Model # THQL1120GFP

Item # 13167
Model # HOM2100CP Item # 14387
Model # QF115P Item # 14801
Model # THQL1120GFP

Courtesy of Lowes, and the shop by zip code option.
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