2011 ROP's and Draft

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Senior Member
210.52(I), and 210.55 - interesting.... It also seems GFI breakers are going to be a limited option.... "readily accessible" :-? 210.8

Anyway 210.52A4 has got to be a mistake..... :mad:
Mine got rejected.... :-? :cool:
I'm two for eleven. :D
Confusing, they accepted my proposal in principle, but then didn't...? :-?

I guess that effectively makes me 1/11.

...and 210.55 - interesting....
I'll have to look at the substantiation for that later on, seems like they are going a little too far.

It also seems GFI breakers are going to be a limited option.... "readily accessible" :-? 210.8
Why? Breakers are already required to be readily accessible, 240.24. I'll be interested to see that proposal too, though. :)

Anyway 210.52A4 has got to be a mistake..... :mad:
The one that got me was the fact that the panel sees counterspace the way MN does, not the way the rest of the nation does. Sidewalls of counters are intended to be counted in counterspace. :roll:
I usually review the Draft first. It will refer to the Proposals that initiated the various changes. If a pet Proposal you origniated didn't pass, check the Panel Substantiation for reasons. We a FAR from finished.
I struck out completely: 0 for 8! :mad:

My previous batting average had been 1000. I had never before gotten a rejection. But then, I had only submitted one proposal before, and it was related to an obvious error in referencing another article.

So I guess my batting average is now 111. :roll:

I do have hope for one of my proposals. It seems to have been given some type of "let's think about it some more" status. I will take this opportunity to offer a comment that I hope the panel will accept.
After using e57's link I have to ask, does anyone know why the NFPA using such a horrible format to write these things? As in the past, after 5 minutes of squinting at this horrific document I close the page and look no further. There has go to be better way to make this more user friendly and readable. :mad:
What happens next? I mean, if we wish to submit a comment on the panel's action, how do we go about it? Is there a form?
Yes, HERE is a link to NFPA and the NEC. If you scroll down a little ways you will find a word document file for the comment form and a PDF format comment form. You must have the comments submitted by 10/23/2009.

After using e57's link I have to ask, does anyone know why the NFPA using such a horrible format to write these things? As in the past, after 5 minutes of squinting at this horrific document I close the page and look no further. There has go to be better way to make this more user friendly and readable. :mad:

When the window opens for me there is a percent drop down at the top. You can blow it up as you like. or you can save the pdf on your pc and use the magnifier in adobe acrobat.
1 out of 4 here.

My one was accepted in principal and tagged along with another proposal which accomplished the same thing. See draft section 250.30(A)(4) info note #2

As I scan through the ROP I see a lot of Final Action: Reject.
Sometimes they have used a single column format for the ROP and ROC. I find that much easier to read on a computer than the two column format.
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