I agree it's puzzling why we haven't seen the acceleration yet. On the other hand, it's fortunate we haven't seen much acceleration yet.
Given the longer term temperature graphs, it's to enough to see the temperature rise to confirm AGW. You haven't offered any other plausible explanation for the temperature rise.
Cheers, Wayne
1. Correlation is not causation. You said this yourself, I believe, or someone did upthread. Fossil fuel use has shown an unrelenting march upward, not just linearly increasing with time, but showing increases year-over-year. There is no acceleration in the temperature rise (you just admitted this), therefore no coupling between CO
2 and temperature increase. At best there may be, somewhere, a weak effect which may show up in the data someday. This is not enough to derail the world economy with carbon taxes and carbon capture and sequestration schemes.
2. Argumentum ad igorantiam. Argument from ignorance. "We don't know what else is could be, it must be witches." I don't have to offer
any explanation. As you are making the affirmative case, it's your responsibility to provide evidence of the mechanism between temperature increases and CO
2 increases that are more than natural variation. Remember the two trends from 1910-1940 and 1975-2000?
When the world had higher CO2 levels at it was at one point hotter than today, and colder than today. That should make anyone pause before making claims that CO2 is "polluting" our air.