Grounding Electrode Conductor:
is a connection thru one or more electrodes to earth to stabilize the voltage of a system to earth, to protect against voltages of a higher source, and to provide a low impedance path in the event of a lightning strike on the system, is not intended to carry current in a normal mode as it is for a grounded circuit conductor, or is it intended to carry fault current.
Now let me expand on this, there is nothing that says it wont carry normal mode current, or fault current, but that is the effect of a conductor serving a dual role such as ahead of the service disconnect. Or as a bond connection to a water pipe that is also the GEC connection, and a fault happens to the water pipe. As we can see there will be many times a conductor will be installed for a given purpose but will criss cross with serving the purpose of other conductors, but for each purpose it must meet or exceed the NEC requirements for each purpose it will serve.