50 2x4 troffer upgrade

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durham nc
Is it reasonable to think I can pull a permit to replace 50 2x4 troffers, simply use same light whip. Or is this a can of worms, city may want battery backups, motion sensing, maybe they are already tied up I hope. Is it possible city will want rewiring To provide inboard outboard lighting. I?m going to email inspector but want to understand what the ECs have experienced with type of renovation. This is one vary large bakery one room.
Thank you
Is it reasonable to think I can pull a permit to replace 50 2x4 troffers, simply use same light whip. Or is this a can of worms, city may want battery backups, motion sensing, maybe they are already tied up I hope. Is it possible city will want rewiring To provide inboard outboard lighting. I’m going to email inspector but want to understand what the ECs have experienced with type of renovation. This is one vary large bakery one room.
Thank you

All good questions. To bad a City of Durham inspector is not on the forum. The closest thing we have is Dennis Alwon :D
I talked to city and they said I didn't need permit just to make sure I install quick disconnect for the ballast. the job now is actually 62 2x4s I gave a estimate of $4,500.00. thats a new 4 lamp ballast, 3 T8s per fixture 5000k full spectrum, disconnect, and lens. bought some tomb stones also. fixtures are 20 yrs old. my first estimate was to replace all fixtures they wanted cheaper. the wanted only 2 lamp ballast but I found out health department probably wont read enough foot candles on task areas. looks like I'll lose job though I guess 4,500.00 was to high. I heard they might get an 8.00 dollar and hr guy to do it Wow and not replace lens and just go with 2 lamp ballast. just was curious about price per fixture is $72.00 high for labor, lens, ballast, quick disconnect,lamps, possible tomb stone replace, and environmentally safe disposal of ballast and T12s?
thanks. I don't want to be a trunk slammer:grin:
well, now that you ask the whole place is packed full of baking equipment and stuff including and coffee shop. a 10' ladder would reach the fixtures
why rebuild 20yr old fixtures? too much labor involved in that venture, I would only do that if they were security fixtures or very fancy ones. If you are working around everything and above all that food, means you have a huge drop cloth to keep from contaminating the food. I guess if it was me I would remove so many rebuild and rehang and I would not rebuild in the bakery. sounds to me like a weeks worth of work not including parts. I would let 8 dollar an hour guy assume liability. You will get work when he screws up and still make your money otherwise you are working just to work.
Scissor lift or step ladder? How much clutter is in the way? Bakery, do you have to

wear hair nets? $ 72.00 per fixture OK if you have clear access.

Many bakeries run 24/7 so just when and how much time is allowed for this retrofit?

The large bakeries have scheduled down time for maintenance but it usually not that long. You would need to know the work schedule.
why rebuild 20yr old fixtures?
For a given price per fixture, I'd rather replace the ballasts and tubes and the occasional tombstone than R&R every fixture.

Taking them down is usually messy because of dirt and debris on top, and requires a taller ladder. It's just more work to me.

Even pre-loaded fixtures usually need to be opened to have one or more tubes reseated, and the lenses are often loose.
I talked to city and they said I didn't need permit just to make sure I install quick disconnect for the ballast. the job now is actually 62 2x4s I gave a estimate of $4,500.00. thats a new 4 lamp ballast, 3 T8s per fixture 5000k full spectrum, disconnect, and lens. bought some tomb stones also. fixtures are 20 yrs old. my first estimate was to replace all fixtures they wanted cheaper. the wanted only 2 lamp ballast but I found out health department probably wont read enough foot candles on task areas. looks like I'll lose job though I guess 4,500.00 was to high. I heard they might get an 8.00 dollar and hr guy to do it Wow and not replace lens and just go with 2 lamp ballast. just was curious about price per fixture is $72.00 high for labor, lens, ballast, quick disconnect,lamps, possible tomb stone replace, and environmentally safe disposal of ballast and T12s?
thanks. I don't want to be a trunk slammer:grin:

IMO....let it go......they can call you back after they mess it up.
For a given price per fixture, I'd rather replace the ballasts and tubes and the occasional tombstone than R&R every fixture.

Taking them down is usually messy because of dirt and debris on top, and requires a taller ladder. It's just more work to me.

Even pre-loaded fixtures usually need to be opened to have one or more tubes reseated, and the lenses are often loose.

Larry how much snow you got out there? around 3 feet here. I will agree with that to a degree like if you are using simple strip lights. but t-12 reflector systems have changed and you can achieve better light at cheaper costs with the new t-8 fixtures. so when ever I see a 20 year old lighting scheme I normally go for new instead of retrofit. I also assumed this was a main street bakery not a commercial bakery.
just was curious about price per fixture is $72.00 high for labor, lens, ballast, quick disconnect,lamps, possible tomb stone replace, and environmentally safe disposal of ballast and T12s?
thanks. I don't want to be a trunk slammer:grin:

I thought you were entirely too low.
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