160112-1646 EST
In the early days of radio there were no electrolytic capacitors. Thus, it was prohibitively expensive to build a DC power supply with diode rectification connected directly to a capacitive filter. Therefore, inductors were used between the rectifier and the capacitor to obtain low ripple. Often times this inductor was the wound magnetic for the speaker.
Thus, the terms capacitor input filter, and inductive input filter were used to differentiate between the two types of power supply filters. See "Radio Amateur's Handbook", 20 th Edition, 1943, p 144. Called Condensor-Input Filter, and Choke-Input Filter here.
As you know a capacitor input filter has a short duration high cuurent input current each half cycle for full wave rectification. Whereas, an inductive input filter with a large enough input inductor has a relatively constant input current by comparison.
I believe what I am seeing in my distorted waveforms is a result of power system source inductance in combination with a large capacitive load that is only connected during a fraction of the cycle. That connection time is determined by the rectifier, series inductance, and capacitance.