720 HV transmission lines in india

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T.M.Haja Sahib

why the 720 HV lines are introduced in india? while 400 hv transmission lines having more losses then 220 hv lines

Welcome to the forum.

Will you supply more data to support your statement?

(By the way, Iam very close to you geographically;Iam in Karur at this moment!)


Welcome to the forum.

Will you supply more data to support your statement?

(By the way, Iam very close to you geographically;Iam in Karur at this moment!)
thank you sir , in accordance of load dispatch center .... yellow lines are 720 kv .... my question is why we are going for 720 kv ..in india 400v line more than enough


Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
if it is a 765 kv why we are going for 765 kv than 400

The higher the voltage, the less loss. I don't know where you are getting your information from, but it's basic Ohm's Law.

From what I can find on the 'net that I can trust, the first 765kV transmission line in India became operational in 2008.

I don't understand why you think there is a problem.


Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
if it is a 765 kv why we are going for 765 kv than 400

The reason is at the bottom of this article:

Sterlite Technologies Ltd has also announced that its power transmission conductors were successfully commissioned by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd in the country's first 765kV extra high voltage (EHV) transmission line that was recently charged. STL was the sole manufacturer and supplier of over 4,200 km of ACSR Bersimis conductors that were installed in Circuit-I of the 351 km route of the Sipat-Seoni EHV transmission line that connects Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh. The Sipat-Seoni line will transmit 1,500 MVA power on a single circuit line. These 765kV lines will be able to link generation projects at the pitheads with the consuming states across the country and in process reduce transmission losses.


T.M.Haja Sahib

thank you sir , in accordance of load dispatch center .... yellow lines are 720 kv .... my question is why we are going for 720 kv ..in india 400v line more than enough

Well,you try to get more data such as

I)Power loss 'X1'for power transmitted over 400 Kv DC and distance 'Y1' involved.
2)Power loss 'X2' for power transmitted over 720 Kv DC and distance 'Y2' involved.

Find the ratios XI/Y1 and X2/Y2.

You will find that XI/Y1 > X2/Y2.

The point is even if the total losses in the DC lines for 720Kv may be more than that in 400 Kv Dc or lower 220 Kv rated lines,the total losses per Km is the the lowest for 720Kv so that if you attempt to transmit the same power over same distance with lower voltage,the total losses will be increased.
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Senior Member
Michigan. It's a beautiful peninsula, I've looked
Well,you try to get more data such as

I)Power loss 'X1'for power transmitted over 400 Kv DC and distance 'Y1' involved.
2)Power loss 'X2' for power transmitted over 720 Kv DC and distance 'Y2' involved.

Find the ratios XI/Y1 and X2/Y2.

You will find that XI/Y1 > X2/Y2.

The point is even if the total losses in the DC lines for 720Kv may be more than that in 400 Kv Dc or lower 220 Kv rated lines,the total losses per Km is the the lowest for 720Kv so that if you attempt to transmit the same power over same distance with lower voltage,the total losses will be increased.

Assuming the conductor size and number is the same in both.

Much of our transmission is done at 138kV and it's common to see parallel conductors. Also, (I haven't actually measured) it looks like the 138's are larger diameter than the 345kV lines the 138's eventually connect to.

But for long runs, the higher voltage is definitely desirable because you don't have to use as big or as many conductors to keep losses at an acceptable level.
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