A date with top model on a dim space.

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Lights, camera then shoot. wow! you got to see how this models pose. I am a regular photographer and always have a date with models on my shop. Once I got all this led lights on, the fans and all that gadget which needs electric current and all of a sudden there was this pop sound, a smoke and everything went black. Electrical overload! this beautiful lady was all over me hugging, she was afraid of the dark. How did this happen? are we not told the limitations on how much load we need on commercial establishments? Though I was not a bit angry about it, just imagine someone hugging you in the dARK! but still want to know how this happened. And with that lady hugging me? oh she's now my constant date...not in the studio but somewhere spectacular. Thanks to the overload, but no thanks to it too, I might loss customers. Well if you have answer to my question I would gladly aprreciate it.


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