A way to replace wiring

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I guess I am a hack. :grin: I would take SER up the side of home over conduit up the side of a home any day.

I changed the service on my own home and chose SE as it blends in much better then conduit.

I agree that SE for the service drop looks better than conduit, because it lays flat. But SER exposed has alays looked bad IMO. But plenty of people don't mind it, it's one of those preference things. By the way, I wasn't comparing it to conduit, My preferred alternative method would be getting it into the wall, even if it requires drywall / plaster reapair.
I would use PVC conduit and THHN. But if you use SER I would use PVC cover. Same as what POCO uses up a pole. It's neat in apperance and is paintable. Older homes I used to wire in Buffalo NY had a chase for the chimney. Sometimes a cable could be pulled thru the void area. Just a thought.
My preferred alternative method would be getting it into the wall, even if it requires drywall / plaster reapair.

Yes, for a little 60 Amp panel fishing a cable down the walls shouldn't be that difficult. I have ran more that one cable where others said it couldn't be fished, they just didn't want to look for a good way to run it.

Homeowners are normally happier when they don't see exposed cable.

Sure SER is legal to use exposed but you also have to please the owner. A friend of mine ran some exposed conduit at a church after I suggested that he not do it that way. They were not happy and he did have trouble getting paid. It did look like crap.
A friend of mine ran some exposed conduit at a church after I suggested that he not do it that way. They were not happy and he did have trouble getting paid. It did look like crap.

Lack of good communication with the customer is always a mistake.

I usually give tell the customer various options and let them decide.
I get the feeling that some of these "Give me conduit or give me death!" guys would probably indeed die if they came to New England or the other northeastern states. ;)
I question if this is a smart move to add a panel. Why not simply run 3/4 pvc and pull the few circuits that are needed. Why create a problem you don't need in a hot attic ? Cost of ser ,pvc protection,panel,and time will likely be more costly.
I think it looks uglier than all get out...especially if it's not straight and coming off of the wall, a little saggy, etc.

SER is not just a cable, it's a siding as well. :grin:



(From the MDShunk Collection)
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I just seen a house that someone put an old rusted tractor on a platform with flood lights on it. Some people would like it and some would not.
SER is not just a cable, it's a siding as well. :grin:



(From the MDShunk Collection)
Im going to be sick does this airline have barfbags?? I also love the service drop listing to the right. Clearance from the windows need not apply here. Makes a nice clothesline. These pictures are priceless.
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