A way to replace wiring

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Re: SER is not just a cable, it's a siding as well.

For the SE around the corner
I wonder what " radius of bend " was used.
Seems that 10 x cable diameter would be hard to achieve.
Maybe they used some 2x4 under the SE
in order to increase the "radius".
I'm currently looking at 230.50(B)(2).
I'm having a hard time following along - but if that cable is after the service disconnect, then 230 doesn't apply to it.

Around here, SER exposed on the side of a building (service or feeder) would not pass, around here they feel it needs physical protection. So, I'd wind up running conduit to wherever it penetrates the building.

quogue said:
I dont think ser would pass I think service entrance means just that SERVICE entrance not subpanel entrance romex I would have to check yet I have never seen this done
It's done every day of the week here, perfectly legal.
This place wins the UGLY award. With wood steps i see it as a fire trap. Sure would never bring a date home to this place. But likely is legal. I would not want to admit i did this.
I would not locate the subpanel in the attic. Perhaps in the hall as long as you have proper clearances. In my area the AHJ (authority having jusrisdiction) would freak out if we ran SER exposed outside. Not to say its wrong, just what they require here. Texas.
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