It seems that a lot of people are wondering what the difference is between Power over Ethernet and class 4 (the new class proposed by the NEC). Basically the difference is power; PoE is 90 W MAX, and class 4 systems are up to 450 Volts, unlimited wattage. Even though class 4 is more powerful, it still only requires the same safety precautions as poe because typically a computer monitors for fault in the wire (including human touch), and power is shut off if a fault occurs. This is what makes it intelligent. It's also a DC power system (not AC). DC works better with our digital devices, as well as LED lighting, and is more energy efficient for many reasons. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. I write tech articles about this kind of thing all the time, and work with lots of engineers who love to answer questions from curious people