Accelerated training.

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
If this is an accredited course line, I don't understand how a subtraction of course hours can be assumed creditable ! ? Who's going to sign off on this excellerated classes?

One of the biggest problem I see is that everyone coming into a class aren't equally blessed much less knowledgable of all the aspects to be covered. One question per day could throw a course outline right out the window.

People will do just that just to grasp subject matter, or as a distraction to the course of study for that day...

Any one who's ever gone to class or has been in front of a class, should know this quite well... :grin:


Electron manager
NE Nebraska
Just got done talking to my SIL that is taking a training class. For some reason they want to push them thru a normal two year program in 6 weeks. Ok. They are trying to do AC theory in 4 days. Is this even realistic?

Not realistic for a first time learner. May be a good refresher for someone that has been there before just wanting to brush up on anything they may have forgotten.

These concepts need to be put to practical use over some time to actually mean something to most people. It is easy to go to a school and learn just about every aspect of electrical trade and then get a job where all you do is cut and thread pipe most of the day. You start to forget theory pretty quickly if that is the case.


Senior Member
Northern illinois
It could be they are training technicians for very specific jobs. In such a case they might be able to reduce the amount of time spent on things they are unlikely to use very much, if at all.

But going from 2 years to 6 weeks does not sound like it will work real well.

OTOH, desperate people do desparate things. I wonder why the company is unable to find people who already have an associates degree to bring in.

There are not many companies willing to spend two years training anyone for a job.
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