afci breakers

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wptski said:
Nope, he's correct! How can one press of a test button perform multiple tests yet trip only once? That's impossible!

I am speaking of strictly a GFCI, the test button does in fact test everything at once.

I really am not following you.
wptski said:
What will be the cost of one that supplies error codes if that's what you really mean???
It can't be much.

The information is already in the inputs to the summing buffer that creates the solenoid trip signal.

Install a single LED in the visible face of the breaker and have it pulse light. Six to ten different pulse sequences are probably all that's needed for the information available.

There would be a small amount of circuitry to run the LED, hold the error(s), and accept some kind of a command to reset or initialize a tiny non-volatile memory (memory to hold the error code while shut off).

Siemens combo AFCIs are already doing a very simple version of this.
If this is "all about the safety of the children", why not go the tenth yard and simply outlaw electrical circuits or outlets in these areas altogether. No more electrical fires! After all, it must be admitted that electricity in homes is a mere convenience and a luxury. Will we compromise the safety of children for mere luxury and convenience?

When a 20 amp circuit breaker is as complicated as the space shuttle, something has gone wrong.
Look it.....

Look it.....

I hate argueing, buttt, I HAVE to say this. You guys are all going on by what satisfies UL.

Does anyone remember the thread on the motion sensor switches that intentionally used the grounding conductor as a current carrying conductor??????????????????????????????

With all due respect, explain that one to the rest of us and justify it.

I ask you,........PLEASE!!!!!!!!

UL listed it, I must be missing something besides my little brain ;-))))
afci's in mobile homes

afci's in mobile homes

why are afci's not installed in mobile homes from the factory?
seeing they are required for custom built homes.
Just wondering, and do the mh manufacturers have a different code than what we use?
i just did my 6 hr mass class and the guy from ul told us
the only way to test afci's is by the test button any other way
is a false indicator....
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