Well, that's kind of a problem because 95% of this thread consists of you hinting and winking and generally avoiding any specifics while stating you'd love to go into specifics. You'd love to discuss details of a technical nature as to why AFCI is the best thing since the first coming, but you don't want to discuss details. You'd love to name-drop whoever toured you through the factory, but you don't want to. You seem to have a conflict here which I am remedying now.
Again, with your internal struggle. You don't want to run him down, yet you believe everything he has claimed is hog-wash. But, alas, you don't want to go into details as to why, aside from some unnamed source "in the know" told you, and that statement is supposed to carry weight.
That is one point you've made abundantly clear. Over, and over, and over, and over...
You've made your case, the opposing argument has made it's case, and this forum will likely never settle the issue, if there even is one to settle. This is a vapid thread that has run it's course. In closing, I wish to thank all participants for keeping it civil.
The statements I have made are very clear but you choose not to understand them or consider them. Nothing in my statements discredits Mr. Engle, read it again rather than jumping to closing threads.
It serves no purpose to expose Engineers that disagree with Mr. Engles points in his whitepaper , nothing about the Holt forum is a trial George. I have indeed said over and over that opinions are of their own but you may choose to ignore that statement in your heavy handed mentality of thread closing.
You know what.....if we ( the debaters) choose to go into technical details thats a prerogative of the posters and not something you have control over as a moderator...but then again as usual those rules may change. The technical aspects of the workings of AFCI's have been discussed. The mention of algorithms, shoulders and level of half cycle detection along with various frequency aspects to the detection are all part of the technology but each manufacturer does this differently. I am not an AFCI expert as I have stated before and I am only trying to bring my aspects of what I do know but you wish to discredit it as having no merit to the conversation and that is not your choice...you Moderator and only that in my opinion.
You again obviously did not read all the posts before making an attempt to belittle my statements and then call for a civil debate...The debate between Mbrooke and myself has been a good debate on the issues so leave it as it should be...opinions and debates unless that is against the forum rules....or your rules?
mbrooke - I have no problem with emailing or PM you offline and continuing the discussion because it appears to me here that it would never be fair and balanced on this forum. I have tried to address your questions but then again in my schedule of attending the NFPA Meetings and CMP panels I quite possibly have not addressed all your concerns....and I do want to, I have nothing to hide in my personal beliefs and what I have witnessed in terms of tests at a manufacturers facility but it is apparent it would not be appreciated here.
The manufacturer of at least (2) companies have informed me personally that the GFP is also affording the microprocessor some benefit of internal protection that could cause a problem to their circuitry internal to the device. The true nature of the GFP is not the main purpose of that function and not why it is installed, it was just expressed that it's very nature lends to added protection to the microprocessor. There real intent of the GFP was to meet the UL 1699 tests and to aid in detecting arcs within nonmetallic- sheathed cable and is why they (2- companies) continue to keep the GFP in their AFCI Circuit Breakers.
You keep asking me to define how it protects the circuitry and I can't go into more details on that because it was not the original basis of the manufacturers reason, it was stated that it adds some additional protection to the processor by the engineer who oversees the AFCI development but thats all I can tell you on that as a statement, it was never really supposed to be germane to the conversation i just mentioned what was expressed to me.
But again to address George....Who is struggling with a statement regarding Mr. Engle?..I respect the man and what he did, I am just saying that from the 2012 IEEE Conference where the white paper was presented to today, many industry engineers disagree with his some of his statements (not all of his statements) and based on my conversations and listening to their reasons for disagreement...I happen to agree. However, what purpose does it serve to tell this forum all the engineers names that work for both the original company Mr. Engle worked for and other manufacturers who specialize in the technology.
Here is my suggestion....I would love to continue the discussion mbrooke so please PM your contact info and we can continue the discussion as it is clear to me the desire is to have this thread closed.