AHJ's mandating two ground rods or testing - how STOP them?

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Paid for testing

Paid for testing

Just out of curiosity can you actual get 25 ohms with one rod? Have you actually tested it?

Only one time when time on a pumping station where there were multiple ground rods at specific locations around the site, all bonded together AND bonded to the rebar pre slab pour....the engineer mandated testing.
4.8 amps to ground

4.8 amps to ground

New construction should require a UFUR if there is rebar in the footer as it is an available electrode. UFUR is a stand alone electrode not needing a supplement. The rod is basically a supplemental to specific electrodes that are present. If the rod is the only electrode you option to use then it must meet the required 25 ohms. 2 rods are reqiured to comply for an electrode system not having a resistance of 25 ohms & no other electrodes involved. Generally in my area it cannot be achieved with 1 rod. 120v @ 25ohms = 4.8 amps. Never tried it but theory would suggest a 20 amp breaker would not trip.

But, this is my question, though it was probably hidden in the initial rant.. If you have a proper EGC and all possible current carrying parts are bonded together properly and to the EGC, the entire fault will follow the path of least resistance back to the source and we would hope this is not an earth path to the next ground rod in the system. Oh, the question. Why mandate 25 ohms resistance to ground or multiple rods if they are not going to carry the current?
you complaing?

you complaing?

U mad bro?

Why? I don't see what there is to complain about. You already have your demo-hammer or rotary-hammer out, just drive a second ground rod. It only costs $20 more for material and you can charge more money via markup and added labor.

LOL, well.....sometimes I just like to complain. The complaint is that it has never been adequately explained to me as to why. I WANT to do it if it makes a system safer, I just do not see that.
Ha! no way. If you have a properly grounded and bonded system, what does a ground rod do other than create a landing point? The earth is not meant to clear a fault. No? yes?

But, this is my question, though it was probably hidden in the initial rant.. If you have a proper EGC and all possible current carrying parts are bonded together properly and to the EGC, the entire fault will follow the path of least resistance back to the source and we would hope this is not an earth path to the next ground rod in the system. Oh, the question. Why mandate 25 ohms resistance to ground or multiple rods if they are not going to carry the current?

LOL, well.....sometimes I just like to complain. The complaint is that it has never been adequately explained to me as to why. I WANT to do it if it makes a system safer, I just do not see that.
The reason is stated in 250.4...

(A) Grounded Systems.

(1) Electrical System Grounding.
Electrical systems that
are grounded shall be connected to earth in a manner that
will limit the voltage imposed by lightning, line surges, or
unintentional contact with higher-voltage lines and that will
stabilize the voltage to earth during normal operation.

Informational Note: An important consideration for limiting
the imposed voltage is the routing of bonding and
grounding electrode conductors so that they are not any
longer than necessary to complete the connection without
disturbing the permanent parts of the installation and so
that unnecessary bends and loops are avoided.
So why doesn't every jursidiction mandate it?

So why doesn't every jursidiction mandate it?

The reason is stated in 250.4...

After reading this again, first I thought about how a lightning strike here is almost non-existent, then I thought about whether the medium or high voltage wires that are at times above the low voltage wires feeding our home have a grounded conductor to which their current flow might find earth an ok medium to pass through. Does anyone know about the latter?

So, yielding the point that this is a safer installation, for now in particular with respect to lightning, why do not all areas mandate the two rods or testing? I am somewhat leaning toward just doing it, but I would really like to know if a higher voltage line falls on the lower voltage line that it will go to ground. I know I am going to e looking on the primary side of transformers etc., and I am fairly certain that high voltage is an ungrounded delta for transmission purposes. In fact, don't they have a bunch of insulators on every phase to negate going to ground?
After reading this again, first I thought about how a lightning strike here is almost non-existent, then I thought about whether the medium or high voltage wires that are at times above the low voltage wires feeding our home have a grounded conductor to which their current flow might find earth an ok medium to pass through. Does anyone know about the latter?

So, yielding the point that this is a safer installation, for now in particular with respect to lightning, why do not all areas mandate the two rods or testing? I am somewhat leaning toward just doing it, but I would really like to know if a higher voltage line falls on the lower voltage line that it will go to ground. I know I am going to e looking on the primary side of transformers etc., and I am fairly certain that high voltage is an ungrounded delta for transmission purposes. In fact, don't they have a bunch of insulators on every phase to negate going to ground?

There can also be transients in the line just from switching large loads.

Complete misunderstanding that electricity is trying to get to ground and that grounding electrodes are intended to carry fault current.

10 ohms would be considered a great ground rod most cases. If you had a 120 volt line to EGC fault @120 volts and the rod was 10 ohms then only 12 amps of current will flow. Think that will ever trip a 100 or 200 amp main? It shouldn't even trip a 15 amp branch circuit device. It is a low enough impedance that a high voltage surge will certainly want to travel that path though.

As far as lightning goes, if you get a direct hit, you are going to have some damage no matter what, but maybe a strike farther down the line sends a surge down the lines - maybe having a grounding electrode helps save some of your equipment. Having surge arrestors helps shunt some of the surge that made it into other conductors into the grounding conductor and eventually to grounding electrodes.

I think it has been mentioned in this thread already, the two rod rule is kind of new to NEC. It really was just a relatively small change in wording that now requires two rods.

From 2008 NEC: 250.56 Resistance of Rod, Pipe, and Plate Electrodes.
A single electrode consisting of a rod, pipe, or plate that does not have a resistance to ground of 25 ohms or less shall be augmented by one additional electrode of any of the types specified by 250.52(A)(4) through (A)(8).

With this wording one can say to inspector - prove to me that it is more than 25 ohms.

From 2011 NEC: (250.53(A)(2))

(2) Supplemental Electrode Required. A single rod, pipe, or plate electrode shall be supplemented by an additional electrode of a type specified in 250.52(A)(2) through (A)(8). The supplemental electrode shall be permitted to be bonded to one of the following:

(1) Rod, pipe, or plate electrode
(2) Grounding electrode conductor
(3) Grounded service-entrance conductor
(4) Nonflexible grounded service raceway
(5) Any grounded service enclosure
Exception: If a single rod, pipe, or plate grounding electrode has a resistance to earth of 25 ohms or less, the supplemental electrode shall not be required.

This wording requires to use a supplemental electrode unless you can prove the first electrode is 25 ohms or less.

Not really that much of a difference in requirements but a little rewording changed it to basically require 2 rods unless you want to measure the first.
Surges and other great things - awesome post - thank you

Surges and other great things - awesome post - thank you

There can also be transients in the line just from switching large loads.

Complete misunderstanding that electricity is trying to get to ground and that grounding electrodes are intended to carry fault current.
So true, and it is annoying to hear it over and over. I love this stuff on surges, etc.

10 ohms would be considered a great ground rod most cases. If you had a 120 volt line to EGC fault @120 volts and the rod was 10 ohms then only 12 amps of current will flow. Think that will ever trip a 100 or 200 amp main? It shouldn't even trip a 15 amp branch circuit device. It is a low enough impedance that a high voltage surge will certainly want to travel that path though.
I can see that.

As far as lightning goes, if you get a direct hit, you are going to have some damage no matter what, but maybe a strike farther down the line sends a surge down the lines - maybe having a grounding electrode helps save some of your equipment. Having surge arrestors helps shunt some of the surge that made it into other conductors into the grounding conductor and eventually to grounding electrodes.

I think it has been mentioned in this thread already, the two rod rule is kind of new to NEC. It really was just a relatively small change in wording that now requires two rods.
I think I will start doing them on all jobs regardless of the AHJ.

From 2008 NEC: 250.56 Resistance of Rod, Pipe, and Plate Electrodes.
A single electrode consisting of a rod, pipe, or plate that does not have a resistance to ground of 25 ohms or less shall be augmented by one additional electrode of any of the types specified by 250.52(A)(4) through (A)(8).

With this wording one can say to inspector - prove to me that it is more than 25 ohms.

From 2011 NEC: (250.53(A)(2))

(2) Supplemental Electrode Required. A single rod, pipe, or plate electrode shall be supplemented by an additional electrode of a type specified in 250.52(A)(2) through (A)(8). The supplemental electrode shall be permitted to be bonded to one of the following:

(1) Rod, pipe, or plate electrode
(2) Grounding electrode conductor
(3) Grounded service-entrance conductor
(4) Nonflexible grounded service raceway
(5) Any grounded service enclosure
Exception: If a single rod, pipe, or plate grounding electrode has a resistance to earth of 25 ohms or less, the supplemental electrode shall not be required.

This wording requires to use a supplemental electrode unless you can prove the first electrode is 25 ohms or less.

Not really that much of a difference in requirements but a little rewording changed it to basically require 2 rods unless you want to measure the first.

I have seen the requirement for less than 25 ohms resistance to ground in engineered drawings long before it was in the code book, but I was young and thought only of ground faults TO the rods. I never thought of the one thing that really wants to get back to the earth, lightning. I always just figured that is why places that have a lot of lightning install lightning rods, but I suppose those are more for direct hits to a structure?

Of course a hit to wires could surge through a home.

This is a great post and answers my question succinctly, thank you.
the entire fault will follow the path of least resistance back to the source

Current does not follow the path of least resistance, I know we were taught this for years and it is in many electrical and electronic books used to teach, but this is a very misleading statement that can hinder those who are being taught.

Current takes all paths back to source proportionally to the resistance or impedance of the path, if this was not so then parallel conductors could never be used since to infinity one of the parallel conductors would always have a slightly lower resistance then the other as it would be impossible to cut two lengths of wire to have perfectly exactly the same resistance, we can get them close but that is about it, also how could you use a parallel circuit if all the current is going to only flow on the branch that has the least resistance, that is like saying that if you plug in a 100 watt lamp and a 60 watt lamp only the 100 watt lamp will light as it has the lowest resistance? Not to ramble but we need to not use this statement as it is a very false statement that can confuse the understanding of how current from a ground rod travels through earth to return to source.

Personally I find rod, Plate, and driven pipe electrodes totally useless in an electrical system as applied by the NEC, I have had chats with many of the CMP members at meetings about this but no one has yet been able to get this allowance removed, yes I said allowance because they are only some of the methods to reference the electrical system to earth in 250.52(A)(2) through (A)(8) they are only an option where some of the others if they are present they have to be used such as a water pipe with 10' or more in contact with earth, or a concrete encased electrode or building steel, if these are present we don't have the option we have to use them, but rod, plate, driven pipe, rings are all optional methods, if you have a water pipe and a CEE you don't even need a rod, if you have a water pipe and building steel you don't need and optional electrode as you have met the requirements of 250.53(D)(2) for supplemental electrode for the water pipe, I have had inspectors red tag me when they didn't see a rod at the service even though they knew I had a CEE I made him go back and read 250.53(D)(2)

The optional electrodes with the exception of maybe a ring for lightning if properly installed provides no impact on safety from a shock or fire hazard and even lightning will in most cases ignore a rod as a path back to earth, this was proved back in 2005 in a study done by the University Of Florida at Camp Blanding where only 20% of the lightning current even tried to flow through the GEC to a rod type electrode that had an resistance of 10 ohms.

In saving allot of re-hashing theory of how current flows in earth, and with you having the understanding of how current will take all paths back to source and the fact that the earth is nothing but many parallel paths with more and more parallel three dimensionally paths once you get farther away from the rod the old thread link below might bring some understanding to why a rod, plate or driven pipe electrode is all but useless and should have been removed from the NEC, they have there place ahead of the service transformer but not after it.

This link below is of some test that a member who wanted to know the real reason a ground rod would not have protected a person from a shock hazard at a canteen trailer that did not have a EGC path and a statement was made that a ground rod would have protected the person, this part of the story is in a link in the first post, so he set out to run an experiment that showed how the current flows in earth that makes it impossible for a rod to preform this function, enjoy the reading:
Time To Eat Crow
I have seen the requirement for less than 25 ohms resistance to ground in engineered drawings long before it was in the code book,

Actually the 25 ohm requirement has been the code book in one form or another from way back, I think one member who had some old NEC's showed it in it back in the early 1900's.

The best I have found is the 25 ohm number was a figure required for grounding of the old telegraph systems when they changed from the wood pin insulators to the glass pin insulators, the wood pin insulators would drain off the static charge from wind and solar events but when the glass pin insulators came into use workers were being subject to some very high voltage static charges and they found that grounding the system to earth would drain off this charge, it was also found during this that the earthing of one of the wires lowered the system impedance so less batteries could be utilized, I think also at this time was when they relized they could actually use the earth as one of the conductors and went to a single wire earth return system, at one time I had found an engineering drawing of this online with the 25 ohm minimum for earthing electrodes, but that was back in 1995, and I have since not been able to find it again.
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Lightning strikes induce voltage on all electrical systems near the strike. The Electrical electrode system gives it a path to earth "0 potential" so that the wiring system is not damaged. All paths to earth are taken in order to relieve the electrical system of damaging high voltage. The better the electrode system the better the protection is, code is minimum @ 25 ohms. The stand alone electrodes have been tested to 25 ohms or less.
Great comments from Hurk27
parallel resistance

parallel resistance

Current does not follow the path of least resistance, I know we were taught this for years and it is in many electrical and electronic books used to teach, but this is a very misleading statement that can hinder those who are being taught.

Current takes all paths back to source proportionally to the resistance or impedance of the path, if this was not so then parallel conductors could never be used since to infinity one of the parallel conductors would always have a slightly lower resistance then the other as it would be impossible to cut two lengths of wire to have perfectly exactly the same resistance, we can get them close but that is about it, also how could you use a parallel circuit if all the current is going to only flow on the branch that has the least resistance, that is like saying that if you plug in a 100 watt lamp and a 60 watt lamp only the 100 watt lamp will light as it has the lowest resistance? Not to ramble but we need to not use this statement as it is a very false statement that can confuse the understanding of how current from a ground rod travels through earth to return to source.

This was actually very good rambling, and you are right, we grow up hearing that about current flow then we go ahead and calculate current across paralleled loads without even thinking this proves it flows all over the place (well, almost).

I have had inspectors red tag me when they didn't see a rod at the service even though they knew I had a CEE I made him go back and read 250.53(D)(2)
I have a tough time making them do things, how do you do that? (inserted for minor levity only)

... study done by the University Of Florida at Camp Blanding where only 20% of the lightning current even tried to flow through the GEC to a rod type electrode that had an resistance of 10 ohms.
So where does this leave us? Does it not still protect against the aforementioned higher voltage lines falling on the lower voltage, etc?

This link below is of some test that a member....
I have to leave, when I get back I am going to read it.
... I have to leave, when I get back I am going to read it.

When you do read it, you may need to think more than once about what voltage readings the experimenter is recording, otherwise it could be very confusing.
My interpretation is that the voltages shown are the voltages from the live 50V line to the surface electrode at/near the point of measurement, not the voltage between the surface electrode and a remote ground reference.
They are stated this way because the original question was whether or not bonding the accidentally energized surface to a ground rod would protect someone holding onto that energized surface.

If you are looking at the surface potential at the various shells around the current injection point, then that voltage subtracted from 50 is more visual.
After reading this again, first I thought about how a lightning strike here is almost non-existent, then I thought about whether the medium or high voltage wires that are at times above the low voltage wires feeding our home have a grounded conductor to which their current flow might find earth an ok medium to pass through. Does anyone know about the latter?

So, yielding the point that this is a safer installation, for now in particular with respect to lightning, why do not all areas mandate the two rods or testing? I am somewhat leaning toward just doing it, but I would really like to know if a higher voltage line falls on the lower voltage line that it will go to ground. I know I am going to e looking on the primary side of transformers etc., and I am fairly certain that high voltage is an ungrounded delta for transmission purposes. In fact, don't they have a bunch of insulators on every phase to negate going to ground?

Being a power company guy, I can tell you this: Absolutely, high voltage wires will cause current flow to ground, phase to phase and all other available paths. Equipment damage is caused by excess current flowing through normally low voltage circuits due to the higher voltage. The grounding electrode system won't prevent this. it will, however reduce the voltage rise between different areas of the ground, also known as "step potential". The idea is to have as large of an area as possible remain at the same voltage, reducing the likelihood of a difference in potential causing injure or death if current flows from one part of the body to another (such as between your feet or from your hand to the ground if you are touching a grounded piece of metal. Electric substations have undergroung copper Grids to help eliminate the step potential during ground faults. Lightning can cause the same thing.
Lightning strikes induce voltage on all electrical systems near the strike. The Electrical electrode system gives it a path to earth "0 potential" so that the wiring system is not damaged. All paths to earth are taken in order to relieve the electrical system of damaging high voltage. The better the electrode system the better the protection is, code is minimum @ 25 ohms. The stand alone electrodes have been tested to 25 ohms or less.
Great comments from Hurk27

Correct somewhat but we must understand that lightning is a high frequency event, which can range from 20hz to as high as 100Mhz the path it takes can depend upon this core frequency and the impedance of the paths at that frequency, just like radio waves need a resonate path to collect the electrons it receives so does lightning, this is why we see lightning taking paths in electrical systems that will not make sense to the average electrician because they do not understand how high frequency energy propagates in conductors, the Paper I spoke of in post 29 of a study done by University Of Florida was one such study that found that most of the current followed the communication cable paths, to a 60hz or DC current these paths would have been a very high resistance or impedance, but to a lightning event they were a much lower impedance then the ground rods, back in 1980 through 1983 I spent 3 years studying lightning at the University Of Florida and also studied earthing and how current travels through earth, I have done some of the very same experiments that was done in the "Time To Eat Crow" thread but we use an isolated generator and rods at the full 120 volts, I was invited to do the studying at University Of Florida because one of my professors at Mid Florida Tech notice my interest in lightning while I was taking my course on Communication electronics, as he had some professor friends up at the University Of Florida who wholly devoted their life to studying lightning and hooked me up with them, so this is why when I say ground rods are useless, it is not meant that they don't have their purpose when correctly installed for lightning protection, but when they are installed as instructed in the NEC they will provide no such protection as the NEC is not a lightning protection manual as the NFPA 780 covers this, but even then it too has some weak points.

This was actually very good rambling, and you are right, we grow up hearing that about current flow then we go ahead and calculate current across paralleled loads without even thinking this proves it flows all over the place (well, almost).
and was why I pointed it out

I have a tough time making them do things, how do you do that? (inserted for minor levity only)

When you have the knowledge of what the code says and in my case what our state has adopted with the fact our state (Indiana) has adopted a state wide code and is written so no local jurisdiction can adopt their own code (they can't even adopt a more stringent code) then it is easy.

So where does this leave us? Does it not still protect against the aforementioned higher voltage lines falling on the lower voltage, etc? Not if the impedance of the earthing is low enough to cause the primary protection to open, in many cases it wont be because most POCOs size their OCPD so they don't have many outages, I saw where a truck backed into a pole guide wire that cause the secondary triplex and a primary phase wire to drop to the ground, the 7200 volt primary conductor bonded to the bare neutral of the triplex that was no longer connected to the pole, this triplex went across the road to another pole where it split to two drops to two houses these housed were on wells with all plastic piping so the only electrodes were two ground rods at each house for a total of four rods, these rod did not cause the primary OCPDs to open until a line man using an insulated hook moved the primary so it touched the MGN that was also laying on the ground it still took a few seconds before the cut outs opened, all this time the 7200 volts was arcing all over the place in the house and it was a miracle they didn't catch fire, even the cable TV line melted and fell to the ground as it was still attached to another pole, the damage was quit allot, but I wont go into it as it is late, and I just worked a 16 and have to get to bed but it show that a ground rod can not always even protect if it can't open the breaker.

I have to leave, when I get back I am going to read it.

When you do read it, you may need to think more than once about what voltage readings the experimenter is recording, otherwise it could be very confusing.
My interpretation is that the voltages shown are the voltages from the live 50V line to the surface electrode at/near the point of measurement, not the voltage between the surface electrode and a remote ground reference.
They are stated this way because the original question was whether or not bonding the accidentally energized surface to a ground rod would protect someone holding onto that energized surface.

If you are looking at the surface potential at the various shells around the current injection point, then that voltage subtracted from 50 is more visual.

50 volts was used to provide some safety, but the results would basically be the same for 120 volts and if you look in that thread I did a chart to show what the voltages would have been if 120 volts was used based on the voltage drop impedance, high voltage is much different as it can arc between the grains of sand, dirt, to form pathways as it carbonizes the soil, we see this when lightning strikes the ground and forms carbon glass paths through the soil.

Being a power company guy, I can tell you this: Absolutely, high voltage wires will cause current flow to ground, phase to phase and all other available paths. Equipment damage is caused by excess current flowing through normally low voltage circuits due to the higher voltage. The grounding electrode system won't prevent this. it will, however reduce the voltage rise between different areas of the ground, also known as "step potential". The idea is to have as large of an area as possible remain at the same voltage, reducing the likelihood of a difference in potential causing injure or death if current flows from one part of the body to another (such as between your feet or from your hand to the ground if you are touching a grounded piece of metal. Electric substations have underground copper Grids to help eliminate the step potential during ground faults. Lightning can cause the same thing.

If you look at that thread I posted a link to, you will understand that a ground rod can not provide protection against step potential, 75% of the voltage is dropped in the first 3 feet from the rod, any one across that 3 feet like kneeling down and touching a metal energized light pole with receive a 90 volt shock which could easy kill them, this is because there is very little soil around the rod to form parallel paths and because of this most of the voltage will be lost in the closest shell to the rod.

This is why you must use a grid so that you bring the whole area to the same potential, a rod can't do this by itself, even with a grid you can still have step potential at the edges of the grid so this is why you tapper the grid at the edges deeper and deeper so the potential slowly falls off at the edges.

That is an outstanding post with many equally edifying comments, thank you for pointing me (others) there. I guess crow may be served in a variety of areas.

Thanks I like to dispel myths, always do the research to learn what is real and what are myths.
With all this noted, do you have an opinion on remote services say past 200' from the structure in which an EGC is run as part of the feeder. Generally, the service equipment (OCD) is close to a grounded transformer -- the structure is being fed will have its own electrode system. We now have a path for the excess voltage to both locations. Years past the grounded conductor was the path as the EGC was not mandated. The EGC is usually smaller than the grounded conductor which seems to offer more resistance. Seems like the energy induced is now forced upon the wiring system due to the resistance. I know general terms do not fit in all occasions. I Appreciate comments to increased my knowledge.
myth busters`

myth busters`

Thanks I like to dispel myths, always do the research to learn what is real and what are myths.

I have hopefully learned not to make statements as I did at the onset "how do I stop them from mandating two ground rods"? I see where that may still be a valid question, relative to your stating they do next to nothing with lightning and may not do a lot with high voltage lines falling on the lower voltage lines.

I guess I should have simply asked why two, are they necessary? Resonance and high frequency paths of resistance, well, this is over my head, but I understand the application. How great you were able to study the phenomenon with expert and that you are an expert at it as well, AND....you have shared all of this with us.. Nice job.
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With all this noted, do you have an opinion on remote services say past 200' from the structure in which an EGC is run as part of the feeder. Generally, the service equipment (OCD) is close to a grounded transformer -- the structure is being fed will have its own electrode system. We now have a path for the excess voltage to both locations. Years past the grounded conductor was the path as the EGC was not mandated. The EGC is usually smaller than the grounded conductor which seems to offer more resistance. Seems like the energy induced is now forced upon the wiring system due to the resistance. I know general terms do not fit in all occasions. I Appreciate comments to increased my knowledge.

As he explained earlier with the high frequency encountered during lightning events, the path that would appear to be least resistance for a typical 600 volt or less AC circuit is not necessarily the least resistance for this lightning event. Sure some current is going to take every possible path, but the least resistance paths are carrying the majority of it.
With all this noted, do you have an opinion on remote services say past 200' from the structure in which an EGC is run as part of the feeder. Generally, the service equipment (OCD) is close to a grounded transformer -- the structure is being fed will have its own electrode system. We now have a path for the excess voltage to both locations. Years past the grounded conductor was the path as the EGC was not mandated. The EGC is usually smaller than the grounded conductor which seems to offer more resistance. Seems like the energy induced is now forced upon the wiring system due to the resistance. I know general terms do not fit in all occasions. I Appreciate comments to increased my knowledge.

Not sure if you are meaning induced current from a near field point of attachment or using this as just an expression of a direct voltage path that includes your conductors in the path of the current flow of a lightning strike?

Lightning strikes do not have to make contact with a buildings electrical system to cause damage, and even if it does some of the damage can be caused by the lightning electro magnetic pulse (LEPM) that can induce circulatory currents into circuits that may exhibit a loop to the magnetic field, many times when we run our conductors in a building we don't think about the other conductors that may be connected to the same equipment that can form a loop, phone, cable TV, networks, and even the low level audio cables that run from a home surround system to a self powered subwooffer that is on the other side of the room and plugged into a receptacle that may be on another circuit, these smaller cables can cause a loop that can act as a secondary of a high frequency transformer with the near field lightning strike that maybe hit a tree a couple hundred feet from the house being the primary, and here is a twist just like an isolation transformer these induced currents are isolated from the primary that was referenced to earth and no longer are seeking a path to earth, they are just seeking the return path created within the loop created by the power cables and the network cables that run to computers that may be on different circuits, draw a line prom the panel from circuit A to computer A, then draw a line from circuit B to computer B, then draw a line from computer A to computer B with a router in between to represent the network and we can see the circle, now heres the kicker that many don't think about, since all three conductors of lets say a 14/2NM cable are run withing the same cable, they will be all referenced as one conductor, the same goes for the cat5 path between the computers, this renders plug in surge protectors useless as they are only looking at the voltages between the hot,neutral, and EGC, but if all three have the same potential they can do nothing to protect the computer.
Common damage from near field (induced) lightning strikes is they very rarely cause damage to the electrical system of the building including the NM cable, but the damage one might see is in the case of a network is failed routers, network cards, and even over heated cat 5 cable in some rare cases, in the case of cable TV will be the loss of the TV tuners and some IF sections of the TV, or damaged cable box's, or analog to digital over the air converter box's, with the surround sound system with a remotely self powered sub woofer I have seen the small audio cable melt, along with damaging the input pre amp to the woofer and the sub woofer and audio output electronics in the surround receiver up to and including several stages into the receiver, one common thing I find is many times the computer, TV's and surround receiver still power up and may function just fine except the affected sections that were damaged like a computer will still boot up just fine but you find you can no longer access your network, or the TV will come on but you can't tune in anything, which means the power supplies in them was not subject to any damaging voltage and was isolated to just the affected areas that had the loop cables connected to, even a garage door opener that has the safety eyes mounted on the common metal door frame can take these eyes out and the electronic circuits on the control board in it.

Again no amount of bonding to earth much less surge suppressors can protect against this kind of a strike, running cables including network, cable TV, and NM cable in a spider where they originate from one point and all run in the same paths only to branch out to each circuits loads kind of like spidering without any inter connecting between the loads in any other paths can lower the amount of induced current, but would be very hard and expensive way to wire, conduit will help but only if you also use it for the cable TV and networks and phones, by shielding the cables from the induced currents, but there is always a chance of other metallic pathways that can cause a loop.

A lightning electro magnetic pulse (LEMP) is just like the electro magnetic pulse caused by a nuclear explosion (NEMP) just no where near the same level of strength, that our government spends millions of dollars to protect against by EMP hardening electronics from, but many of the same procedures used to protect from NEMP will also protect from LEMP's the airline manufactures also use these methods to protect against both, as they can be struck while in flight, or if a country is testing a H-bomb above ground.
As to your question of conductors in ground under at least 18" of soil, I wouldn't think they could receive much induced current from a near field lightning event, at least enough that could be damaging and never seen a case where this was determined as to what had happened, most under ground cables would be more subject to direct lightning current that can travel through earth from some distance giving the high voltage nature of the strike, unlike lower voltages discussed above that do not travel very far from a voltage source in earth.

I have hopefully learned not to make statements as I did at the onset "how do I stop them from mandating two ground rods"? I see where that may still be a valid question, relative to your stating they do next to nothing with lightning and may not do a lot with high voltage lines falling on the lower voltage lines.

I guess I should have simply asked why two, are they necessary? Resonance and high frequency paths of resistance, well, this is over my head, but I understand the application. How great you were able to study the phenomenon with expert and that you are an expert at it as well, AND....you have shared all of this with us.. Nice job.

To answer your original question which I thought was already posted, because the requirement of proving that you have 25 ohms or less or just installing two rods and going home is still in the code then you have no way to get around it, if your state requires concrete encased electrodes then the supplemental electrode for the water line has been met and you don't even need one rod, but other then that all I can say is install two rods as it is cheaper then getting the test done, and it is required by code, so even here in Indiana with state wide codes, I still install two rods and include it in my price of the job.
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