440.6 Ampacity and Rating. The size of conductors for
equipment covered by this article shall be selected from
Table 310.16 through Table 310.19 or calculated in
accordance with 310.15 as applicable. The required ampacity of
conductors and rating of equipment shall be determined
according to 440.6(A) and 440.6(B).
(A) Hermetic Refrigerant Motor-Compressor. For a hermetic
refrigerant motor-compressor, the rated-load current
marked on the nameplate of the equipment in which the
motor-compressor is employed shall be used in determining
the rating or ampacity of the disconnecting means, the
branch-circuit conductors, the controller, the branch-circuit
short-circuit and ground-fault protection, and the separate
motor overload protection. Where no rated-load current is
shown on the equipment nameplate, the rated-load current
shown on the compressor nameplate shall be used.
Exception No. 1: Where so marked, the branch-circuit selection
current shall be used instead of the rated-load current
to determine the rating or ampacity of the disconnecting
means, the branch-circuit conductors, the controller,
and the branch-circuit short-circuit and ground-fault
Exception No. 2: For cord-and-plug-connected equipment,
the nameplate marking shall be used in accordance with
440.22(B), Exception No. 2.
(B) Multimotor Equipment. For multimotor equipment
employing a shaded-pole or permanent split-capacitor-type
fan or blower motor, the full-load current for such motor
marked on the nameplate of the equipment in which the fan
or blower motor is employed shall be used instead of the
horsepower rating to determine the ampacity or rating of
the disconnecting means, the branch-circuit conductors, the
controller, the branch-circuit short-circuit and ground-fault
protection, and the separate overload protection. This marking
on the equipment nameplate shall not be less than the
current marked on the fan or blower motor nameplate