It does sound like it might be a tap change or a PFC system that is switched in and out by POCO at particular predictable, scheduled times.
I suppose it is possible but why did it start after the OP installed his PFC system?
In any case, the safe off board is powered from the internal 24VDC so I am not seeing how it gets affected by whatever is on the power line. I would think the drive would trip on something else first.
Unfortunately, we have little information to go on and the OP wants us to play 20 questions trying to dig up whatever might be going on.
Best bet is to get someone with some experience on site and look closely at what is actually going on and talk to the people there directly, and then get in touch with tech support once there is some certainty that he knows what is really happening.
Maybe install some power monitoring equipment first and see if there is some disturbance on the power lines.
I am curious how they know the exact time the drives tripped. Are the trips monitored by some kind of SCADA system so we know that is the actual time or are we relying on someone's memory?
It would help to know a lot more about the actual application, the plant they are installed in, and a lot of other things like whether the drives were even running at the time the trips occurred.
if there is a SCADA involved, a printout of the alarm and information logs for a few days on either side of these alarms might give us some clues. it is quite possible there are other trips that happen at this time on a regular basis as well that we don't know about.
if this just started recently, and there is some belief that it is power line related, a chat with someone at the POCO might be in order. They may well have records of what was going on at those times that could be helpful.