Am I being petty ?

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sparky 134

Senior Member
Joliet, IL
My employee likes to wear gloves. No problem with that except that he keeps taking them off when he needs dexterity for work such as putting a nut on a bolt, etc.

He will sometimes set the gloves on the ground, go do something, walk back, put the gloves back on. It's driving me nuts.

So today I told, "Either wear the gloves or take them off. Stop taking them off and putting them on. It's a waste of time."

He disagrees. Doesn't see a problem. He also like to set his tools on the ground. That's another battle.

a tape measure w/pouch,
and a knife sheath,
all on a utility belt.
Works to me ...
Complaining about taking the gloves off is petty. I hope that the profit margin on this job isn't so small that this will actually make a difference. Judge the guy on his overall performance. Just my 2 cents.
djohns6 said:
Is he a good , productive employee otherwise ? Who is paying for the gloves ?

He's learning. I would grade him about a second year apprentice. The gloves are his.

I've tried wearing gloves but gave up. I do wear them in the winter if it's very cold.
Do you own the company? May be you should tell him its a company rule that he wears his gloves 100% of the time:grin:
It is a rule at our company.
rustyryan34 said:
Do you own the company? May be you should tell him its a company rule that he wears his gloves 100% of the time:grin:
It is a rule at our company.

Yes I own the company.

No, then I would have to wear gloves !
I would just continually ride his butt about placing his gloves in his back pocket and wearing a toolpouch until he did it so he wouldnt have to hear me gripe....
sparky 134 said:
Yes I own the company.

No, then I would have to wear gloves !

Then I think thats a little petty.
When I started wiring house the guy I work for would get mad at me for using my hammer to nail on boxs to stub or nailing wire staples, instead of just using my linemans. He thought it was a waste of time to carry a hammer. I thought that was petty.
cadpoint said:

a tape measure w/pouch,
and a knife sheath,
all on a utility belt.
Works to me ...

I have used something similar to that puch with a nail apron for fittings to keep from bending over I quess you could put gloves in the nail apron also. There are many jobs where I don't like the full size tool pouch.

I normally use whatever will be the most comfortable and the most efficient. Never do any work that's not productive.

I don't wear gloves unless I need them but keep several different pairs handy just in case. I keep on pair of light leather gloves in the bag at all times.
Some things you learn to accept and if you do not you'll drive yourself crazy.

I would ask him to use a clip to hold the gloves, other wise let it go.
Several years ago I worked on a big project where they were nuts about safety. Gloves were required. One time the safety officer stopped two fitters who were carrying a large pipe. He made them put the pipe down and put their gloves on, then sent them on their way with a warning.

iaov said:
He must be young. If I want to have a sore back all I have to do is spend a day bending over to pick tools off the ground.

If I want to have a sore back all I have to do is spend a day wearing a tool belt!
I hate gloves! and I would rather have all the little scars I have then to wear a glove for 5 minutes. One of the guys who works for me wears gloves from time to time. I poke fun at him for it. I am not talking about energized work BTW.

So I don't think it is petty, I would outright tell him to find a way to carry them.
bikeindy said:
I hate gloves! and I would rather have all the little scars I have then to wear a glove for 5 minutes. One of the guys who works for me wears gloves from time to time. I poke fun at him for it. I am not talking about energized work BTW.

So I don't think it is petty, I would outright tell him to find a way to carry them.
Who cares if the man has a preference to wear gloves. He might want the protection. How many Idiots do we see using there hand as a hammer? Just cause you don't feel the need for them doesn't mean its wrong. I only use them when pulling wire and things of that nature.

So are we going to start picking on guys who use safety glasses as well. Most jobs I'm on requires most of that stuff anyways. Just my thoughts guys. Just tell the guy to put them in his pocket.
ultramegabob said:
I would just continually ride his butt about placing his gloves in his back pocket and wearing a toolpouch until he did it so he wouldnt have to hear me gripe....
Toolpouch and nail apron is a given or hit the road jack.
jmsbrush said:
Who cares if the man has a preference to wear gloves. He might want the protection. How many Idiots do we see using there hand as a hammer? Just cause you don't feel the need for them doesn't mean its wrong. I only use them when pulling wire and things of that nature.

I poke fun I don't make a big deal about it I didn't say it was wrong. How do you use your hand as a hammer that must be a good trick.
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