Am I being petty ?

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bikeindy said:
I poke fun I don't make a big deal about it I didn't say it was wrong. How do you use your hand as a hammer that must be a good trick.
Yeah lol, Haven't you seen guys taking there screw driver with there hand trying to take lock nuts off? or tightening them? The list could keep on going! We had a safety meeting about it years ago.
jmsbrush said:
We had a safety meeting about it years ago.

Sorry i missed the meeting that could have been a sight with all those guys with mangled hands.

I hope your not promoting hitting a screw driver with a hammer. that is not proper use of the tool.
bikeindy said:
Sorry i missed the meeting that could have been a sight with all those guys with mangled hands.

I hope your not promoting hitting a screw driver with a hammer. that is not proper use of the tool.

thats what linemans pliers are for:grin:
I actually have a set of fence pliers that have a hammer built onto them that I use on occasion, they come in handy for pulling staples also.
lol at the witty responces:grin: But did any one bother to think when they "drop the gloves" or leave the tool belt and go else where to simply pick them up and relocate them so they can't find them when they come back? After having them roam around for a bit wondering where in the hell they put there items...THEN it time to be the BOSS and yell at them for wasting time:grin: Maybe after a few misplacements and scoldings about time loss or even the threat of pay loss then they may change there ways.

LawnGuyLandSparky said:
We are turning into a nation of robotic rule-followers instead of progressive thinkers.

Thank God we have folks like you that can see whats wrong with everything. :grin: :roll:
iwire said:
Thank God we have folks like you that can see whats wrong with everything. :grin: :roll:

I was thinking the same thing.
This would drive me crazy too.

But be careful about instructing him not to wear gloves.

I sent a guy to Home Depot for 2, 2x10's. The guy gets a splinter in his palm loading them. Tries to get it out with a buck knife. Ends up going to the ER (not the toughest guy I've ever had working) and it turns into a comp case. :mad: The first question the insurance company asks is "why wasn't he wearing gloves?:-?

I'd like to add a few personal thoughts, but will refrain out of respect for the forum.:smile:

Anyhow, dropping the gloves and tools on the ground and wasting time would be the beginning of the end for me.
that would drive me crazy. not the fact that he wears gloves or that he take them off for dexterity, but the fact that hes running around looking for them. as for the tool pouch almost every thing i do i can fit the tools i need in my pockets.
mattsilkwood said:
i didnt know they made those i cant find any thatll last more than 2 weeks:grin:

Those are the best kind, I wear the disposable gloves almost 100% of the time that I'm working, they rarely come off, and I've instructed my apprentice to always wear his gloves as well. IMO I have better dexterity wearing the gloves, plus it's hot in Florida, your hands get sweaty and they provide a good grip for stripping wire.
i only wear them when pulling wire sometime when making up big wire. other than that i cant be as productive its like taking a bath with your sox on.
jmsbrush said:
Who cares if the man has a preference to wear gloves.

The OP's complaint isn't about his employee wanting to wear gloves. It's about the time wasted holding up progress while he finds where he last left them. And the aggravation of being the person left waiting mid-task while he finds them.

A couple of times a week, well, it might be a petty complaint. Several times a day, it's not quite so petty.

As others have noted, I'd tell him if he wants to wear gloves and use tools, he should find a way to keep them on person....or very close at hand.
when I was a little kid, I had a pair of mittens with a cord between them, you run it though your sleeves behind your shoulders and you can take your mittens off and let them hang, never leaving them behind,:grin: maybe you could make a pair like that for him....
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