~~~Tell him the tool belt is necessary so that he is not tired in the afternoon when he goes home from bending down and picking up his tools (don't need to mention the wandering around lost bit). ~ ~ Tell him there is a terrible theft problem around the job site and he needs to keep his tools on him. By the time he figures it out he will be strong enough to haul his own tools around. Tell him its so that he will build up enough strength to carry out his duties and his tools. Tell him its a job requirement. Tell him that's what electricians do so take pride in your occupation and put the belt on.
The pouch is like a woman's purse. It should have everything he will ever need. Washers, tek screws, wood screws, fittings, a place to put your gloves... Tell him he will be the hero when the Journeyman needs that fender washer and he has some.
I wear gloves when I think I might hurt my hands. A bad cut on a thumb, finger, palm, knuckle, REALLY cuts down on production. ~~Put the tools in the pouch so that they are all together and the gloves in the pouch. If your going to micromanage, help him with options and groom them with education. Your not allowed to complain without trying to fix the problem. This guy could turn out to be a real keeper if given the right support.