Amperage for RTU per Ton

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Is there a way that I can figure what size circuit I need to provide a RTU. I have a customer that is installing a 30 ton RTU and I am stumped as to guessing what size circuit I need for it. I have a 120/208 volt service in the building. Can we assume each ton is equal to amps +/-?
reading the label would be great but it is not on site and it not ordered. It is part of the scope of work for there office build out.

The voltage is 208 3 phase
Larry and Ken live in a perfect world. :grin:

Our estimators try to work with the customer not against them so while a true spec is required for a firm price you can make guesstimates.

Go on line find the circuit size for a few 30 ton 208 volt 3 phase units and use that as the basis for your price with some disclaimer to the effect of 'this price reflects an assumed circuit size of X if the RTU ends up needing more it will cost more.
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