how do you learn how to market and close a sale?
doesn't everyone that the secret to closing 4 out of 5 deals is to be the lowest price?
how do you learn how to market and close a sale?
doesn't everyone that the secret to closing 4 out of 5 deals is to be the lowest price?
unless your presenting to an EE. Than you just need to be second from the highest.
unless your presenting to an EE. Than you just need to be second from the highest.
He didn't say "Be second from the highest on purpose."yep....but to know that would be collusion and price would be illegal to have that information....
He didn't say "Be second from the highest on purpose."
Added: Seriously, whould it be equally illegal to offer to beat a competitor's bid by, say, 5%?
My wife's always telling me I need some serious help.Folks, if you go on 5 estimates, and only close one, you need some serious help.
Even worse is using this as an argument to prove a mute point.
Learn how to market, and learn how to close a sale.
You'll complain less on the internet and make more money.
The sad part is the guy that was $3300 probably spent a lot of time learning about running a business and how to properly estimate a job.Their estimates were $1300, $1400, $1900, and $3300.
If you lose money on the job then, the more jobs you take on at that margin, the more money you will lose.The sad part is the guy that was $3300 probably spent a lot of time learning about running a business and how to properly estimate a job.
His price is probably about where the others should be, but hey they need to charge the going rate if they expect to get any work. It doesn't matter what their costs are they can make it up with volume.
at the risk of flames but.....
i must say, we are prob the most bunch of cut throats goin out there..![]()
The truth is I want you to fail,everything I do is geared towards making you fail.Its not personal it's just business. I have no statke in your succes but I do in your failure.
The basis of capitalism is for me to win you then must loose.For me to be rich requires you to be poor.It's not personal it's business.
When someone says that they would pass up work before lowering their price that is music to my ears because they have just told me what I need to do to make them fail.Making your competitors fail in the market place is capitalism.
Many will say lowering your price will put you out of business,two guys on a deserted island one has food the other is starving who will be the last one alive? It doesn't matter how I got the food the point is to make you starve to death.We both have overhead the difference I have income and now have the option of lowering my overhead and surviving. Lowering your overhead is pointless without income.If all I have left is a pair of boots and side tools I will survive ,and I really don't need the boots.
The idea that competition should be fair and the playing field level is just not what capitalism and the free market are about.
Stay in the Ozarks, if you don't mind. This is about the scariest post I have read in a while.
My reply was no mam I am not an instructer I am an electrician. I will do the work for you but I will not tell you how to do it.Doing Electrical work is what puts food on my table. Oh she replied we will pay you for your time. Some folks will ask you for your eye balls!