Anybody want to discuss that LCDI thing on window A/C cords?


Senior Member
Kent, WA
Retired Engineer
There still lots of things not listed as well as many things not required by NEC to be listed that we use all the time.

General purpose motors are not or at least not required to be listed. They may be used in listed equipment, but there is lots of things driven by GP motors that isn't listed either.
Certainly those things exist, and they exist for the states that don't require electrical items to be NRTL listed. You can even buy them in WA and use them and probably never get caught. But not legal in WA or many other states.

The company I worked for was trying to enforce this in the procurement system so we could only buy NRTL listed things. But it seems too hard to get an answer if something is listed sometimes. They really avoided Amazon because of that. But much of our buying was outsourced to India and they just couldn't figure what needed to be listed or if it was listed if they knew it needed to be. They were often hoodwinked by the "it has UL recognized components" or "it was built to UL requirements" replies. Neither of those makes a listed item. Then I would also get these buyers saying I couldn't buy a HDMI cable because it wasn't listed.