So I went to the local home warehouse supplier and bought some 2/0 SER by Southwire. First off the CC conductors appear the same size. Then, the neutral is also a 2/0 unlike kingwire which is a 1/0 or 1.. Now we know the neutral may be downsized ok, but I am just saying. Then, the outer jacket was like trying to cut through armor. More work on the install side, but it does seem to speak volumes about which is better.
Then the price, I was paying $1.64 a foot for kingwire, and the home you know where place price for southwire is $2.01. So a diff of 37 cents a foot. Figure I might need 30 feet typically, thats a grand whopping total difference of $11.10.
For $11.10, I will be heading to HD.
Moreover, instead of standing around my supplier for half an hour "waiting on the cut", the assistant at HD just walks over to thee reel, pulls out 30' on the floor which is already marked off in 5 foor increments and cuts it and price tags it. In fact he threw me a couple extra feet. Done deal.