Archangeli Service almost complete...

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Electricalperson showed some of his work here, so I figured I would do the same.

Does everybody remember these? If not they are in other threads of various topics, but finally got to work on it, and it is almost complete.


Through either some miscalculations, or some asthetic reasons, the as-built has changed from the original plan, but for the most part the same.

The inside looks pretty close to the plan, not much has changed in there.


I am out of gas......:D

Seriously it is beautiful work. There is hope yet....:smile:

(Sometimes I get so discouraged by shoddy work that seem to be the norm, not the exception.)

Some people would say that appearence does not necessarily mean that all the connections are tight, all the circuits are tested, etc. IMO it is a bogus argument, since in thsi case the asthetic apperence also reveal that the person know what he was doing and WHY he was doing it, it is not nice looking only for the sake of appearence, but it reflects on the craftsmans skill AND care.
NIce job! You won me over when you painted the back-board.
I had to fight numerous supervisors to do that, but the result is so much more appealing than unpainted wood.
you aren't gonna get flamed, and you know it.
that's an immaculate install.
how often do you see strut on a house? 'cmon....

you get the "over the top" award from the left coast.

Oh, did I forget to mention that it is STAINLESS strut! lol. I can't have it rust. The straps are not stainless, but those are easy enough to change.
Just had to do it! The work looks great!:smile: What kind of generator are you installing?

Well, it has to be a Generac, as that is the xfer switch that was installed. The customer is leaning towards the 17kw, but hasn't made a final decision yet, or if he will get one before move in. He's a little over This is a house with 106 recessed cans.
Oh, did I forget to mention that it is STAINLESS strut! lol. I can't have it rust. The straps are not stainless, but those are easy enough to change.

well, now that i've found you didn't use stainless straps.... now you're in trouble
for sure... expect peter to call you a hack any minute now.

you're an industrial guy posing as a house hack.... ADMIT IT!!!

i was minding my own business over on another thread, and he ran over
there and insulted me....

stainless strut... i thought i was the only one sick enough to do something
like that...... 304 or 316?

A good looking job.

A good looking job.

White in left panel, two reds in right panel on 'A' phase. Why 40 circuit panels?
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