Arlington catering to the hack?

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LarryFine said:
I'm listening.
Ohh a challenge.

400.8 Uses Not Permitted.
Unless specifically permitted in 400.7, flexible cords and cables shall not be used for the following:
(2) Where run through holes in walls, structural ceilings, suspended ceilings, dropped ceilings, or floors
quogueelectric said:
That is why it is my company so I dont have to listen to anyones suggestions who are not paying my bills. Do you feel that for some reason I should follow your buisness model? You both sound frustrated that I am a one man band with almost zero overhead I pay all my bills up front have almost zero debt and can push jobs on price not smoke and mirrors and selling people things that they dont want and dont need. Calling me unprofessional is inflamitory you seem to want to be a salesman so go buy a used car lot. I have plenty of nice things doing it my way I dont need or desire your input into my buisness practice.
Are you saying people don't want or need whole house surge suppressors or dedicated circuits to their equipment.

Sometimes people mention these things to me before I even have a chance to bring them up.
I believe he was refering to my post more than yours. He is just trying to explain that he would rather make half as much as he could, then ride around for 2 hours to save $30. a tire and than complain about the service he recieved while there instead of finding someplace that treats him the way he wants to be treated and spending the extra for the service they provide. Don't worry about him though, he can afford an suv for his wife. He has no overhead.
chris kennedy said:
Ohh a challenge.
Not a challenge at all. In my suggestion, the only thing the rubber cord would be going through is the plate. You'd use NM between the boxes.
aline said:
There's also this product available that you can plug into a nearby surge strip.
That's what I'm talking about. They look nice. They're the equivalent to using a clock receptacle and the inlets I make:


One guy asked me about twist-locks, two inlets, and metal plates:

LarryFine said:
Not a challenge at all. In my suggestion, the only thing the rubber cord would be going through is the plate. You'd use NM between the boxes.
Larry I do understand what you are talking about with power products and keeping all equipment on the same pure power supply. One of my friends is an audio manufacturer /owner Micon audio/Cinepro and they have had some nice writeups in home theatre magazine. We used to work together about a year ago and we were discussing the advantages of a clean power supply for the equipment rack. They set up a booth at the javits center every summer if you are interested I can contact him for you just pm me pretty pricey stuff but great writeups and quality products.
bradleyelectric said:
I believe he was refering to my post more than yours. He is just trying to explain that he would rather make half as much as he could, then ride around for 2 hours to save $30. a tire and than complain about the service he recieved while there instead of finding someplace that treats him the way he wants to be treated and spending the extra for the service they provide. Don't worry about him though, he can afford an suv for his wife. He has no overhead.
Hey if you need high pressure sales tactics to make it where you are go for it there are plenty of veunerable people out there to support you just dont tell me how I should run my buisness because it is none of your buisness.
You seem to be the type of person who blames every problem on someone else. The reason is simple you got a mirror somewhere around you take a good look in it.
I live by the golden rule to treat others the way I would like to be treated and I never new I had a problem until you told me I did.
You never even asked what I get for a service change because I probably get a lot more than you do in the ny area. Hey why dont you start to charge my service prices and see how many jobs you get in your area. You think I got a problem while you are giving away service changes for nothing.
Actually I read once that electricians don't make enough money because they don't ask for it. All I do is ask for it when I get the opportunity. I don't focus on it. My sales tactic is very laid back. Along the lines of this is what needs to be done, when is convienient for you? This is the price. See you than. Maybe I'm not charging enough for service changes. What do you typically get? Nothing would make me happier than to learn how to be a better businessman.
I don't get the blaming others for problems reference. Are you a distant relative of my ex wife?
I never asked you what you got for a service change because it was not referenced in this thread till now. If you could sell it for half what Aline does would you?
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quogueelectric said:
...I live by the golden rule...
But since you do things for 1/2 price, why not just take 1/2 of the golden rule like some might be suggesting and just "do unto others" :smile:
bradleyelectric said:
Actually I read once that electricians don't make enough money because they don't ask for it. All I do is ask for it when I get the opportunity. I don't focus on it. My sales tactic is very laid back. Along the lines of this is what needs to be done, when is convienient for you? This is the price. See you than. Maybe I'm not charging enough for service changes. What do you typically get? Nothing would make me happier than to learn how to be a better businessman.
I don't get the blaming others for problems reference. Are you a distant relative of my ex wife?
I never asked you what you got for a service change because it was not referenced in this thread till now. If you could sell it for half what Aline does would you?
200a overhead around 2500, 200a underground around 3500 up to 100' A little more or less depending on mast breakers and long ground to water main. I just might be your ex wife this is the internet you know.
quogueelectric said:
200a overhead around 2500, 200a underground around 3500 up to 100' A little more or less depending on mast breakers and long ground to water main. I just might be your ex wife this is the internet you know.

She wouldn't know a service might be 200A. Your not more than me on 200A services. We are not responsible for residential undergrond around here. Just from the meter in. Overhead we need to hang a service head to the meter but the PC ties in both sides of the service head, we just hang it on the wall. We do not supply the meter can or tie it in in either case, just the tail out of the service panel. To do an upgrade we just pull the meter, take the old tail out of the old service panel, hang a new service panel on the wall with a tail sticking out of it, bug the new tail to the old tail, plug the meter back in. PC does not care if you leave the meter location inside or move it outside. They will put a remote on it if it is inside. PC hangs a new meter and lands both sides after county inspection. They take care of both sides of the overhead service head at that time. They cut the old 1 loose and throw it away and tie the new 1 in. We have a 200A underground to do Tuesday. $2300. 6' SE tail sticking out of the service. 2 ground rods at service for the ground. water main not accessable. BR panel. meter already outside.
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bradleyelectric said:
She wouldn't know a service might be 200A. Your not more than me on 200A services. We are not responsible for residential undergrond around here. Just from the meter in. Overhead we need to hang a service head to the meter but the PC ties in both sides of the service head, we just hang it on the wall. We do not supply the meter can or tie it in in either case, just the tail out of the service panel. To do an upgrade we just pull the meter, take the old tail out of the old service panel, hang a new service panel on the wall with a tail sticking out of it, bug the new tail to the old tail, plug the meter back in. PC does not care if you leave the meter location inside or move it outside. They will put a remote on it if it is inside. PC hangs a new meter and lands both sides after county inspection. They take care of both sides of the overhead service head at that time. They cut the old 1 loose and throw it away and tie the new 1 in. We have a 200A underground to do Tuesday. $2300. 6' SE tail sticking out of the service. 2 ground rods at service for the ground. water main not accessable. BR panel. meter already outside.
So what is your beef with tvs you dont like cable??
bradleyelectric said:
Just thought it was odd you were charging half of what you know the job pays.
Thier job and my job are 2 different animals. They are pushing 300$ monster hdmi cables and 300$ swivel brackets. For which they are a dealer. I am pushing 15$ component cables which are just fine and 75$ tilt brackets from bjs or ebay do you get it yet boy you are thick?? Can I go to sleep now?
I would like to get $5k for a service upgrade.
I usually get try to get between $2k to $3k.
But there's always someone who will do it for half that amount.
quogueelectric said:
Thier job and my job are 2 different animals. They are pushing 300$ monster hdmi cables and 300$ swivel brackets. For which they are a dealer. I am pushing 15$ component cables which are just fine and 75$ tilt brackets from bjs or ebay do you get it yet boy you are thick?? Can I go to sleep now?
I understand now.

If all things were equal and the customer supplied the mount and cables then your price wouldn't be half of the big box stores. Is this correct?

You're half the price because of the materials you use and not because of the labor?

So if the big box stores installed a flat panel tv for $300 if the customer supplied the mount and cables your price wouldn't be $150 for the same thing. Is that right?

I prefer not to sell my services based on price but rather the benefits my customers receive by doing business with me. Recently a big box store was offering free installations when you bought a flat panel tv. If I was selling my services based on price there's no way I could compete with free.
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