She wouldn't know a service might be 200A. Your not more than me on 200A services. We are not responsible for residential undergrond around here. Just from the meter in. Overhead we need to hang a service head to the meter but the PC ties in both sides of the service head, we just hang it on the wall. We do not supply the meter can or tie it in in either case, just the tail out of the service panel. To do an upgrade we just pull the meter, take the old tail out of the old service panel, hang a new service panel on the wall with a tail sticking out of it, bug the new tail to the old tail, plug the meter back in. PC does not care if you leave the meter location inside or move it outside. They will put a remote on it if it is inside. PC hangs a new meter and lands both sides after county inspection. They take care of both sides of the overhead service head at that time. They cut the old 1 loose and throw it away and tie the new 1 in. We have a 200A underground to do Tuesday. $2300. 6' SE tail sticking out of the service. 2 ground rods at service for the ground. water main not accessable. BR panel. meter already outside.