armoured cable cutter

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some eat into the sheathing of the wire too much and eat through to your conductors... not good.

Can't speak for roto splitter but the greenlee has an adjusting screw to set the cutting depth, I can't recall ever never needing to adjust it though.

The adjustment screw is only for different size cables or flex, it does not adjust cutting depth, the cutting depth is fixed by the movement of the upper handle?

If you look at both photo's of the Roto-Split and the Greenlee you will see that the upper handle has a pre set amount it will insert the blade where it moves down into the cable area, this is set to just go through the ridges in the cable, as long as you align the adjustment screw in a valley between two ridges it will cut in the right place, but if the adjustment screw hits on a ridge then it won't make the cut right.

I would have no idea how it could hit the conductors unless someone filed some of the metal away that would allow the blade to go in deeper or it was worn or bent to allow the same to happen?
Wayne. On the rotosplits there is a blade depth stop screw. You can't see it in the picture. It is a small straight blade set screw that limits blade travel. If it is backed out too much you can hit copper.
Don't remember seeing a blade depth adj screw. If anything mine sometimes doesn't cut deep enough. I just try and find the spot and "crank-er" again!:)

I like my Roto Split, only problem I have had is the knob on the crank handle kept coming off.:rant: It finally showed ( I checked before) that the screw was stripped and I put in a new one and all is well!:thumbsup:
The adjustment screw is only for different size cables or flex, it does not adjust cutting depth, the cutting depth is fixed by the movement of the upper handle?

If you look at both photo's of the Roto-Split and the Greenlee you will see that the upper handle has a pre set amount it will insert the blade where it moves down into the cable area, this is set to just go through the ridges in the cable, as long as you align the adjustment screw in a valley between two ridges it will cut in the right place, but if the adjustment screw hits on a ridge then it won't make the cut right.

I would have no idea how it could hit the conductors unless someone filed some of the metal away that would allow the blade to go in deeper or it was worn or bent to allow the same to happen?
Look carefully at the Greenlee model in the picture in post 16. The label on the upper portion of the unit says "blade depth adjustment" and has an arrow on right side of the label that points upward. If you could turn that cutter so you can look down from the top, there is a recessed adjusting screw in the top right about at the location of that arrow. It will adjust the cut depth of the blade in relation to the top fixed portion of the unit. I'd bet that the "roto split" has similar feature.
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