At what point would you become un-glued?

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If you are an apprentice , be glad you have work!

I'm gonna have to agree with others - blowing off the safety of workers with the economy as an excuse is just lame... There aren't too many lines to be drawn on that without saying you value life and limb less than a roll of dimes.

That said - as an employer you could mandate use of crampons and buy everyone a pair...;)

But from the sound of it - the GC is not there for the subs, or concerned with the liability he's setting himself up for.
I'm assuming your boss knows of your past experiences, and a "oh, by the way, your company may be getting involved in unsafe work conditions created by the GC, just thought you would like to know", he will probably investigate. If not, just go on about your business knowing you did the right thing letting him know. You don't have to make waves, but just be safe yourself.
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