Behind the scenes of my "First Post!!!" thread.....

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stickboy1375 said:
I was only curious, I don't know the laws for commercial vehicles....

Basically if you have a passenger side mirror you don't have to have a center rear view.

Here in MA that side window tint looks a bit dark, it might get you pulled over.

Great looking truck though!
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mdshunk said:
Nice. You can add your time spent writing up the bill right in with the labor for that job you're billing out legitimately now.

I like this and have been trying to put it together for awhile but my resoning was so they got the invoice on the spot instead of mailing it but it really makes it worthwhile when you can bill for the time invoicing, not have to mail it and it's invoiced on the spot...:wink: ( I have a bad habit invoicing 2 weeks after the job has been completed, if not more...)

mdshunk said:
This also opens up the possibility of easily taking a credit card for payment more easily than before. A computer processed credit payment has a much cheaper transaction fee versus calling it in over the phone.

I'd like to find out what people are using for accepting credit cards. Most of my work is for property management for multi family and gets 30 days but I want to do more service work and be able to accept credit cards. What are my options?? This is a very cool set up and makes me wnat to get out there and do it now but my van is at the shop and it's barely 5 AM...

Do you need to worry about the battery going dead or do you have to keep the van running to use the computer/printer??? Thanks, JB

COMPLIMENTS on that set up, looks great...
jrannis said:
Real nice, Where did you find that shelf up there with the sunvisors?

I got the same shelf through American Van. I almost sent it back because it looked like it blocked your vision but once I got it up I really like the extra room and fits nice..the visors are part of the original van interior and then they remount onto the shelf before installation.
I don't really store anything up there, never had to, so I don't know. It does make a handy place to mount the Sirius, though.
Great looking setup. I use QB and can accept credit cards and I don't think it costs extra. Might be included in the payroll package I pay for. I have the verizon air card. But I don't use QB on the road.

One thought - how faithful are you with backing up QB? I'm just thinking if your laptop did get stolen, how much of a disaster would that be losing QB?
StreamlineGT said:
The mount was pricey, but I am a sucker for vehicle specific, nice fitting equipment. I got it from American Van for $330 or so shipped.
Did you get the no-holes model or is it mounted to the floor and you had to drill to mount??
I have a GMC full size van and went to American Van for a computor stand for that model. The one they have for my van looks like it bolts onto the front of the passenger seat...makes it kinda hard to use:confused:

Might have to resort to a universal that mounts in front of the console, if that's all they have for my make/model...
j_erickson said:
One thought - how faithful are you with backing up QB? I'm just thinking if your laptop did get stolen, how much of a disaster would that be losing QB?

I back up at the end of every day onto a memory stick. Once a week, I plan on backing it up onto my desktop in the home office, just in case.
jute said:
Did you get the no-holes model or is it mounted to the floor and you had to drill to mount??
I have a GMC full size van and went to American Van for a computor stand for that model. The one they have for my van looks like it bolts onto the front of the passenger seat...makes it kinda hard to use:confused:

Might have to resort to a universal that mounts in front of the console, if that's all they have for my make/model...

I have the one that bolts under the seat, but the Ford one bolts on the inside, not the front, leaving plenty of room for someone to sit.
j_erickson said:
Great looking setup. I use QB and can accept credit cards and I don't think it costs extra. Might be included in the payroll package I pay for. I have the verizon air card. But I don't use QB on the road.
One thought - how faithful are you with backing up QB? I'm just thinking if your laptop did get stolen, how much of a disaster would that be losing QB?

I have QB "on-line version" but need to find out more about an "aircard", are there any other options for getting service while on the road?? Thanks, JB
That is an awesome setup. My only problem with that is it would diminish my productivity because I'd get to playing with the computer when I should be working, since it's sitting in plain sight like that. :D
jute said:
I have QB "on-line version" but need to find out more about an "aircard", are there any other options for getting service while on the road?? Thanks, JB

I don't know of any other way to get reliable internet access while on the road. It's $59/ month for the aircard which is reasonable IMO.
jute said:
I have QB "on-line version" but need to find out more about an "aircard", are there any other options for getting service while on the road?? Thanks, JB

How do you like the online version of QB? I thought about switching, but there were some details I didn't like that couldn't be changed with the basic plan.
marissa2 said:
I hope you don't try to use the computer when driving.
I was thinking the same thing. When I got my new laptop, I connected it to the "Aux" jack on my deck, cranked up iTunes, turned on a wi-fi program that made a noise when it spotted a new network, and started driving around. Definutely not recommended. :D

However, I was amazed at how many wireless routers are out there. :)

john e. said:
I don't know of any other way to get reliable internet access while on the road. It's $59/ month for the aircard which is reasonable IMO.
Most of what I discovered on my little wi-fi scouting trip were password protected routers, and of the open ones, you pretty much have to be sitting in their parking lot to make use of them. I'd agree, for more reliable access, if needed, a cell-phone related system would be much better. For my purposes (coping with dial-up at home, downloading large files away from home), I can't justify it.

How much is Nextel's? I know they have a service, someone mentioned canceling their Nextel to go with Verizon's service. I wasn't sure why.
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georgestolz said:
How much is Nextel's? I know they have a service, someone mentioned canceling their Nextel to go with Verizon's service. I wasn't sure why.

I haven't checked with Nextel to see how much their aircard is, but I am so disappointed with their coverage in my area, that I wanted to switch providers.
j_erickson said:
How do you like the online version of QB? I thought about switching, but there were some details I didn't like that couldn't be changed with the basic plan.

I like it because of multiple users being able to be on at the same time to go over books. Can't say if it's better or easier or not..I'm not using it to it's full potential but would also like to know pros and cons campared to the other versions...I'm having a hard time putting together a parts lists and it could be massive so I'm not sure of the best way to set it up??? Are you using the parts lists feature?? I have it set up more like a big checkbook..
jute said:
I like it because of multiple users being able to be on at the same time to go over books. Can't say if it's better or easier or not..I'm not using it to it's full potential but would also like to know pros and cons campared to the other versions...I'm having a hard time putting together a parts lists and it could be massive so I'm not sure of the best way to set it up??? Are you using the parts lists feature?? I have it set up more like a big checkbook..

Actually the only feature I didn't like about the online version was that I could not customize invoices the way I wanted to. I use an item list, not sure if that is the same as a part list.
wbalsam1 said:
Very impressive. What's the back inside look like? Is it well organized? I'll bet it is. :smile:

Uh, not so much right now, but that is next on my list of things to do.... It's not horrible, but it is a far cry from when I last went through it thoroughly.

Here are some pics from another thread a little while ago, but still not at it's finest.


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