Beloved Arc Flash

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cschmid said:
... how we get everyone on board with this..I have never had an inspector ask to see if we had NFPA 70e on the job site..infact I would bet a lot of contractors don't even own one..the link you gave me was good thanks..

NFPA70E is much more detailed than just arc flash. 70E is about complete Electrical Safe Work Practices (ESWP) for employees. On a josite it would be enforced by the same safety people that enforce PPE for any task, like fall protection for roofers and respirators for spray painters. While I have not heard of it yet, I would not be surprised to find it a requirement of insurance carriers.

It really is not about owning a copy of NFPA70E as much as it is adopting and implementing your company's own ESWP policy. I know of several companies that will not hire contractors that do not have an acceptable ESWP.
Some insurance companies are already requiring 70E compliance for the company and all contractor.

I have seen many letters sent out to contractors that they have until a certian date to have all employees trained, qualified, ESWP's submitted and approved, and have the proper PPE to be allowed on the facillity property. The day will come when your company gets that letter.
jim dungar said:
I know of several companies that will not hire contractors that do not have an acceptable ESWP.

This company is one of them. In order to bid on a project here, a contractor must provide a copy of their ESWP, their OSHA reports, and proof of employee training.
we are in the process about 90% completed with all the plans and processes..I guess what i am trying to convey is I could go around to the guys who run small shops and only do residential and most would say so what who's going to enforce it..Most would never see an OSHA inspector..

My Boss no longer fights it but really does not care and thinks it is over regulation..Yet As long as I do all the work he is OK with it..My work load is at 50 hrs a on call duties..It does add cost upfront to my budgets but as time goes on it is really is not that much of an extra I am back to how to educate the many who do not see it as necessary..It is the statement "we have done it safely like this for years why do we have to change now"..The Board of director's is the same why so they agree to adopt and implement one change at a time..atleast I get that and it is head way and I am happy to see improvement..:)

So I am game on how to change the way we think..I also think if you do not own it you cannot comply with it as you have no idea on what to comply just having the inspector ask about it puts it out there for thought and discussion..

So please go on with your discussion as I enjoy the learning but could you also add thoughts on how to educate and implement as well..I do enjoy the technical aspect of the testing and results in the changes of moving forward from knowledgeable people in the field..
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