Best way to connect series of lights

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I have a group of ground posts installed for line voltage ground lights. The UF cable loops into a post, goes underground, and loops to the next post.

To install the floods at the posts, is it best to cut the loop and end up with 2 sets of wires, or is it best to strip the loop in the middle only and attach the flood at the stripped point?

As you all now, dealing with stripping UF is no picnic.
I can't think of a single, compelling reason to strip it mid-span, unless you're a sadist. Seatek and King Innovation both make nice UF strippers.
mdshunk said:
I can't think of a single, compelling reason to strip it mid-span, unless you're a sadist. Seatek and King Innovation both make nice UF strippers.

I think stripping in mid-span would probably end up as a cut in mid-span with my UP prowss :smile:.

I don't use UF that much, but just got the Klein 1412 Dual Nm Cable Stripper And Cutter. For my purposes, it does a reasonable job on UF, even though not designed for it. I got the idea to try it from this forum ;) .
rockee said:
I don't use UF that much, but just got the Klein 1412 Dual Nm Cable Stripper And Cutter. For my purposes, it does a reasonable job on UF, even though not designed for it. I got the idea to try it from this forum ;) .
You are right. Was it me that mentioned that? I also noticed that they do a fine job on UF, but if you need to strip a few feet (like in a panel), you need to do it in 6" bits.
Rockee, are you performing this work yourself or are you overseeing a job done by someone else?
rockee said:
To install the floods at the posts, is it best to cut the loop and end up with 2 sets of wires, or is it best to strip the loop in the middle only and attach the flood at the stripped point?
Nope. Go ahead and cut 'em. The connectors you use will work better.

mdshunk said:
Was it me that mentioned that?
Nope, that one was mine. :cool:

So there!
rockee said:
Why do you ask?

Because these forums are for those in the electrical trades. Your responses have the appearance of being "how to / DIYer", with this said I am closing this thread in accordance with the forum rules

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