emahler said:
loose neutral...in the panel, the meter, weatherhead or on the poco side....send me a check for $165, that's our diagnostic fee....
Just did one yesterday, $160 for two hours. Erratic lights & appliances. Utility fingered outbuilding weatherheads, but won't touch sub-panel feeds. Started in rigid, then crossed buildings using #6 solid as both messenger and neutral.
Subpanel had all N-G under Blue wirenut, but it worked perfectly for 30 years. Same 135 - 99v imbalance w/out wirenut, no signs of arcing.
HO demanded it stays grandfathered as is, and there is no permit required, no 30yr old codebook, or authority to force new raceway, or ground rods for modern code compliance.
Got to play with feeders & weatherheads for a while. A Shuretest measured voltage drop an order of magnitude larger from L-N than L-L. Also, lifted feeders from breakers to the service ground, then found 30k Ohms L-N at subpanel, but Zero Ohms L-L.
So, I re-stripped the loose, 30yr old, corroded copper on each exposed weatherhead split bolts, and replaced w/blue wirenut & tape. Then found Zero Ohms L-N across the de-energized & temp-bonded feeders. If using IR camera, don't know how visible that voltage drop would have been on messengers blowing in the wind?