Regardless of the problem I always go to the electrical panels, pull off the covers and inspect them. I check and tighten the connections and look for other problems and safety issues. Often times this can lead to additional work. It's amazing how often I'll find loose connections that were never tightened down to begin with. Even in new panels. This is also a good time to slap a sticker on the panel. Cheap advertising.
By the way Mr. Customer has anyone ever mentioned to you the known hazards with Federal Pacific panels? (While handing them a print out from a website on Federal Pacific panels.)
By the way Mr. Customer did you know that the NFPA recomends smoke detectors be replaced every ten years?
We carry these on our trucks and can replace these while we're here at a reduced rate saving you money.
By the way Mr. Customer are you aware of the energy savings you can benefit from by replacing a standard switch with a dimmer switch? Not to mention you'll go through fewer light bulbs. We can install these while here at a much reduced rate.
By the way Mr. Customer how do you turn off those christmas light on your tree?
I crawl under the tree and unplug them.
Mr. Customer would you like to see how you can turn them on and off from the comfort of your recliner? (While showing them an X-10 receptacle with remote control.)
The list of other things you can do for the customer while there goes on and on. I've gone out to reset a GFCI receptacle and left with $900.
Do you accept credit cards?
Why yes, Mr. Customer we do.
I guess I just as well have you do all this stuff now and put it on my credit card.
That's a great idea Mr. Customer. You'll save money and won't have to worry about this stuff anymore.
If you don't ask you don't get.
That's why fast food places always ask if you would like to supersize that meal.