Break Even help/ fun with billing!

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john_axelson said:

I thought we learned that we don't multiply by the percentage, but instead divide by it to make more money.

100 x 1.2 = 120, but 100/.8=125...

you should be billing with margin, and not mark up...

also, brian's method works well in commercial...but not so well in residential when the customer says "but that outlet only costs $0.49 at Home Depot"
Your right.I didn't mean to be rude.No hard feelings?

Your right.I didn't mean to be rude.No hard feelings?

iwire said:
Quite seriously, give a listen to emahler's and satcom's experience. You would be foolish to not at least look into it a bit deeper before just brushing it off.
Maybe they could help me to learn more by posting some link or something like Rich did.That would be great and much appreciated!
zappy said:
Maybe they could help me to learn more by posting some link or something like Rich did.That would be great and much appreciated!

give a man a fish....teach a man to "flat rate" here...
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