Wow, there is a lot of discussion / confusion about this, on this forum and others.
I know years ago I read an article, (UL whitesheet I think) that clearly said breaker type designation shall match the panel nameplate.
Experience has shown this to be true; every time I saw an arc damaged breaker / bussbar the breaker was not a type spec'd on nameplate. The only exceptions were Zinsco breakers.
As far as I can tell (but good info is hard to find):
"Interchangeable" means breaker will fit many panels, but connection to buss can have subtle differences. (Sometimes resulting in arcing).
"listed" means breaker type matches panel nameplate.
"Classified" means UL approved a breaker made by company A for a panel made by B. A classified breaker type will not match nameplate but printed with panels that it is approved for. The panel warranty is not voided per Magnuson?Moss warranty act.