Good Point.
I think you are getting to the Intent of the code.
Secured and strapped conduit will stay secured and strapped.
In order for EGC to have a long term continuous connection,
to fulfill the function of the EGC system,
the conduit must be strapped and secure.
Secured and Strapped, or Strapped and Secured.
Either way you read it.
The conduit must provide a predictably continuous electrical path.
Every time the handbook provides an example,
it need not provide all possible examples to make the point.
If it illustrates IMC, that does not preclude coverage for all other types of conduit.
Exclusion of some other type of conduit would have to be made as a separate issue.
The concept and intent of the code are primary considerations
in interpreting and applying the code.
Sorry to belabor a point, which you obviously grasp