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Thanks a lot guys. What I was getting at is the spec I posting doesn't mean it HAS to be an MIGB, correct? It can be a regular NON PLASTIC bushing....not the grounding type, correct? That's how I read it.
Edit to my post just before this. Where it says locknut and bushing to be galvanized malleable iron...in my mind that is not plain steel. Also because it says galv. malleable iron is that automatically an MIGB? That is what I was told by co-worker. Can you have a galv. malleable iron locknut and bushing that's not an MIGB?
I know the reasons for spec'ing the SS ones, but what exactly is the advantage to spec'ing the steel or malleable iron bushings over the die cast zinc counterparts? What functional purpose do they do, that the die cast zinc ones do not?

Why you asking me? I didn’t spec nuttin’.:D

Half the time I have no clue why some specs call for certain things, I just shrug and install.
Yes you can have a galv. malleable iron locknut and bushing that's not an MIGB?

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