C.E.C 300.4 Protection against Physical Damage.

Modesto, Ca
Retired Building Inspector
It is great seeing all these posts with all the professional knowledgeable Code professionals out here. I appreciate every one's time and input. This location needs to start having a great deal of emphasis put on it and explained and detailed better, even though the Verbiage is already in the Code, and the wanted exceptions from the discussion of the NFPA exception 4 was not allowed and protection is required. That is why I am on this great site and only want consistency with our profession, and above all , others opinions on this or what they are doing. It is wrong for an Inspector to look the other way or not enforce a required Code because in his opinion he doesn't think it to be a problem, or has always missed it..... It is what I am experiencing now !. As a Inspector for a City for 25 years, I loved reading and interpreting code's with my guys or other Cities folks and work to be consistent and inspect and enforce the Building Codes that the City hired me to do, no matter my thoughts or my own opinions......I do not think we can inspect to one's opinion of a certain Code, if it is written into the Code then it SHALL be enforced... Bored holes through plates and spacing along parallel members ( 1 1/4") always is looked at and everyone on my Electrical contractors and inspectors know the Code on this part, but Completely fail and dismiss the required box protection. Some even ridicule this requirement once I explain the Code and why I protect my jobs....