Can we call it a recession NOW???

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As for the OP's subject of HD store closings, I think they are now reaping the bitter pill of over expansion which led to cannibalization. Lowes has probably hurt them as well.

I won't be surprised to see more HD's close this year.

As for the economy, I think our national economy is so diverse that there are probably thousands of micro-economies that are not affected by current conditions. Just the other day there was an article in the newspaper that said that some New England states have growing economies, while others are contracting.
mdshunk said:
Even if the entire country fell apart tomorrow, imagine all the unemployed people I could put to work at a low wage doing something menial to make me money? Oskar Schindler started an enamelworks.

Schindler is not a very good example. During a war the economy is booming and there is a labor shortage because all the younger men (16-80) are off fighting for the Fatherland.

The only thing Oscar needed to do to make money was stay clear of the war and find a cheap labor force. He was not a good businessman and was a failure during peace time.

During the depression in Germany the only guy making any money was the man that decided to turn homeless children into sausages. He was hanged ( turned out there were laws against that sort of thing ). :grin: :grin:
ItsHot said:
No matter how bad it gets, I'll make adjustments and "remain calm"!:D :grin:

There is a great book about adapting in the ever changing economy called "Who moved my Cheese?"

ItsHot said:
I will have to start reading this one! I have about 6 books I am trying to read at the moment, one being the NEC!:grin: :D
'Who Moved My Cheese' is more of a booklet than a book. It's a quick read. It basically encourages you to remain flexible. Flexibility is the key to air power. I guess the same goes true for electrical work, since that's not nearly as complicated.
mdshunk said:
'Who Moved My Cheese' is more of a booklet than a book. It's a quick read. It basically encourages you to remain flexible. Flexibility is the key to air power. I guess the same goes true for electrical work, since that's not nearly as complicated.

Geez-- now no one is going to read it because you gave away the whole book. :wink:
A recession is defined as when a nations economy has negative growth for two consecutive quarters. The US economy grew in the last two quarter by 0.6% each, so the US does not meet the classical definition of a recession.
Minuteman said:
A recession is defined as when a nations economy has negative growth for two consecutive quarters. The US economy grew in the last two quarter by 0.6% each, so the US does not meet the classical definition of a recession.

Don't ruin a good argument with facts. :grin:
iwire said:
I think you are both straining credibility saying that the economy will not effect you but I could be wrong.

I am just not that independent, I buy things from others
Yep and they buy things from us. A recession is when your nieghbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose your job!! New housing starts are down here but there does seem to be quite a bit of remodeling work going on.
What little I know.

When VietNam ended the demise of America was touted by the press and many in the world. Hell we made it long enough to repeat that lunacy.

The Japanese were buying up America in the 1980's and the end of America was touted, few years later American investor bought the real estate back at a bargain.

Sometime in the middle of the two above we had a recession and 1000's of college kids could not find employment upon graduation, the end of the GREAT AMERICAN experiment was over and our standing in the world was done. Then Al Gore invented the Internet, soon college kids were being encouraged by employers to drop out and come to work for BIG BUCKS now.

Every couple years the doom and gloomers predict the end, the socialist say our consumerism has come to the end, then WALA a new IPod, new this, new that and the American work force can't keep up so we let millions of illegals in to do the work Americans no longer will do.

In a recession or depression citizens would line up to do the menial jobs others are doing for us now.

This is America as I have said in the past a guy in my area became a millionaire pumping septic systems, it is a great country and with many limitations (bumps in the economy, ridiculous taxes, some rules and regs) one can still make it.

Are things going to change SURE life is about change, nothing in the world remains static for long (well it takes a few million years to form mountains).
Am I going to cry and whine yeah sure I am that what keeps the scuttle butt moving at work, but in the long run I think we will make it.

BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.
good advice

good advice

:wink: BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.

Too Bad, the politicians would'nt hear it!

like an ol ball coach said, " It is, what it Is"

waxing philosophically, there will be an answer, His Answer!
the plans of mice an men all come to naught.... Trust in Jesus, not the Economy...
Na not a recession yet, only all my neighbors are out of work, if i am out of work then we are in a deep depression both mental and money wise
brian john said:
BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.

The best advice one could adhere to today. People aren't losing their homes because of the banks, their losing their homes because of themselves. Our mortage is the only debt I have. We don't even have charge accounts with supply houses. Cash or Debit card only.
bikeindy said:
You can't be, you seem to have a disorder that won't allow you to be. Look it up for yourself, but i'll help California alone if it was a separate nation would have the 5th largest GDP and NYC would be 8th and even with out them the US would still be #1. We consume close to 25% of the worlds energy production and only have 5% of the population. The Chinese have yet to produce a self sustaining economy they need us. Look at the money that flows out of the US to other nations and you can figure it out..

No, actually that doesn't make much sense to me. It would make considerably more sense if the world's money was flowing into the U.S. instead of out of it.

How exactly is the US having 5% of the world's population while consuming 25% of the worlds energy a good thing? That only means that most of the world's population has nothing, and consumes nothing, while we have been wasteful stewards.

bikeindy said:
I was speaking of myself moving not my business. Of course tobacco is addictive. No I have no need for a lapel pin I wear T- shirts...

I was being facetous. Upon further review, I apologize for that.

bikeindy said:
I made it up based on what I see day to day and how many people whine and complain about their situation instead of standing up and doing something...

Name calling is not going to help anything, and is one of the things we have to get away from if we expect to survive.

The income gap between the world's richest and poorest countries has widened. in 1962 it was $212 to $11,417... In 2002 the per capita income in the poorest contries was $267 compared to $32, 339.

That's why they don't use much energy resources.

You and I are now competing with people who live on a couple bucks a day.
peter d said:
Just the other day there was an article in the newspaper that said that some New England states have growing economies, while others are contracting.

Everything's relative. Some New England and Southern States are growing... but from what conditions to where?
brian john said:
What little I know.

When VietNam ended the demise of America was touted by the press and many in the world. Hell we made it long enough to repeat that lunacy.

The Japanese were buying up America in the 1980's and the end of America was touted, few years later American investor bought the real estate back at a bargain.

Sometime in the middle of the two above we had a recession and 1000's of college kids could not find employment upon graduation, the end of the GREAT AMERICAN experiment was over and our standing in the world was done. Then Al Gore invented the Internet, soon college kids were being encouraged by employers to drop out and come to work for BIG BUCKS now.

Every couple years the doom and gloomers predict the end, the socialist say our consumerism has come to the end, then WALA a new IPod, new this, new that and the American work force can't keep up so we let millions of illegals in to do the work Americans no longer will do.

In a recession or depression citizens would line up to do the menial jobs others are doing for us now.

This is America as I have said in the past a guy in my area became a millionaire pumping septic systems, it is a great country and with many limitations (bumps in the economy, ridiculous taxes, some rules and regs) one can still make it.

Are things going to change SURE life is about change, nothing in the world remains static for long (well it takes a few million years to form mountains).
Am I going to cry and whine yeah sure I am that what keeps the scuttle butt moving at work, but in the long run I think we will make it.

BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.

Illegals were not let in to do work American's wouldn't do. They were doing work Americans Couldn't do at the wages offered in the face of an illegal alternative. Alan Greenspan's top priority was to keep the economy from seeing any inflation, and to do that he made sure that wages in America remained stagnant.
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