Can we call it a recession NOW???

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I can't let the "who moved my cheese" book(let) go unchallenged.

I know it is ostensibly about being adaptive to change, but I feel is is more from the perspective of an arrogant snob, and is condescending, simplistic, and insulting to employees everywhere.

How many of you consider you're going to work every day and doing what you do as being analogous to two mice going to pick up free cheese that magically appears in the same spot every day... placed there benevolently by some anonymous philanthropic benefactor?

If that is not offensive to you, and you have the intellect of a june bug, then you will probably enjoy this book. Otherwise you will probably regard it as I did: the inane drivel of an arrogant ass.
realolman said:
If that is not offensive to you, and you have the intellect of a june bug, then you will probably enjoy this book. Otherwise you will probably regard it as I did: the inane drivel of an arrogant ass.

Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.
Dennis Alwon said:
Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.
Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.
quogueelectric said:
Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.

I didn't know that cows cared about the economy????
quogueelectric said:
Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.
I went to the Warren Buffet once, and the food sucked. Definitely not worth the $14.95.
No recession yet by any definition. The US GDP rate is still growing, just not as fast. To be a recession the GDP has to be negatives for at least two or four consecutive quarters depending on whose definitions you want to use. So far there has not been 1 quarter of negative GDP since 2001.
bikeindy said:
People aren't losing their homes because of the banks, their losing their homes because of themselves.

I certainly agree folks are often responsible for their own situation and I don't suggest that they should be bailed out.

But to say the lenders have no responsibility is IMO wrong.

When I bought my home they pushed for me to borrow more then I was comfortable with.
Dennis Alwon said:
Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.

Yes, I'm pretty sure your intellect is beyond that of a June Bug . I'm sorry. I apologize to you.

I'm prone to hyperbole.
iwire said:
When I bought my home they pushed for me to borrow more then I was comfortable with.

Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job. It isin't any different than anybody else trying to sell you something you don't need, which is about 40% of what we buy. If you buy it and then find you can't pay for it, that is your fault. It is time people took responsibility for their actions.
bikeindy said:
Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job.

I agree, but that does not mean they have no responsibility to their shareholders to use sound judgment. And when they overextend themselves without regard to risk who do the banks ask for a bail out?

What I am saying is as much as individuals need to be held accountable so do corporations. Not more then the individuals just equal.
bikeindy said:
Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job. It isin't any different than anybody else trying to sell you something you don't need, which is about 40% of what we buy. If you buy it and then find you can't pay for it, that is your fault. It is time people took responsibility for their actions.

It's called predatory lending.

My two kids in college get pre-approved credit card offers every day. Phone calls every night. They are college kids. They have no income. How would the credit card company expect them to pay the bills? Fact is, they don't care. They just want them legally on the hook.

Realtors get people who have no legitimate income to debt ratio to sign mortages from mortgage brokers that any scrupulous lender would not touch. Then the brokers sell them to banks for high commissions, who sell them as low risk, high security real estate investments ( again for high commissions ) . No one in the chain gives a hoot whether or not the borrowers are able to pay the payment. Then when the borrowers default, the obvious solution is to give the lending institutions government bailouts, and let the investors and the borrowers hang.

Many folks don't mind welfare, so long as it is welfare to rich people.
You're right... it's time people took responsibility for their actions.

It's no different than you selling services to people that you know they can't afford, without your having any concern whether or not your installation is safe.

Could the people research whether or not it's needed or look it up in the NEC to see whether or not it's installed correctly? Sure they could.
bikeindy said:
Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job. It isin't any different than anybody else trying to sell you something you don't need, which is about 40% of what we buy. If you buy it and then find you can't pay for it, that is your fault. It is time people took responsibility for their actions.

For years banks have offered no-credit check and no-income check mortgages. Those who knew what they were doing utilized that product in a responsible way.

Essencially, the "rules" went out the window and everybody ran out and got mortgages they would NEVER qualify for IF they were filling out the applications themselves. But new to the scene were mortgage "brokers" who got their commissions on higher interest rates than the borrower qualified for, and these brokers had NO PROBLEM lying on their client's behalf.

The funny thing about this is, when a person defaults on a $450,000.00 mortgage, we call that irresponsible. But when we bail out Bear Sterns for 400 BILLION, we call that economic stabilizing...
realolman said:
It's no different than you selling services to people that you know they can't afford, without your having any concern whether or not your installation is safe.

Could the people research whether or not it's needed or look it up in the NEC to see whether or not it's installed correctly? Sure they could.

You arguing two completely different situations which have nothing to do with each other whatsoever.

1 Do they need the work done or not
Not for me to worry about so long as i get paid
2 Is it done properly
That's what concerns me
What does one have to do with the other in this case? :-?

As for the rest of your argument, nobody is holding a gun to these people's heads. They sign that paper at their own free will. Do NOT ask me to bail you out because YOU are a complete moron. Give me a flipping break.

One more point, with so many economic "experts" just on this board alone, how can we be so deep into the mess we are in? :wink: :D
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brian john said:
...The Japanese were buying up America in the 1980's and the end of America was touted, few years later American investor bought the real estate back at a bargain...BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.
Why can't the US avoid major debt? Our debt is more than 3X our annual budget and increasing $1,000,000 per minute:

realolman said:
Dennis Alwon said:
Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.
Yes, I'm pretty sure your intellect is beyond that of a June Bug...
No doubt. But I'd have to say maybe September. October, tops.:D
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