djohns6 said:My wife is a manager at a LOWE'S store . They are kicking butt .
realolman said:If that is not offensive to you, and you have the intellect of a june bug, then you will probably enjoy this book. Otherwise you will probably regard it as I did: the inane drivel of an arrogant ass.
Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.Dennis Alwon said:Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.
quogueelectric said:Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.
When you get milked on a regular basis you start to pay attention to exactly WHO? is pulling on your udders.peter d said:I didn't know that cows cared about the economy????
quogueelectric said:When you get milked on a regular basis you start to pay attention to exactly WHO? is pulling on your udders.
I went to the Warren Buffet once, and the food sucked. Definitely not worth the $14.95.quogueelectric said:Warren Buffet officially declared us in a recession at his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting this weekend and I am following his step because he has shown time after time to be at the leading edge of economics for the last 12 yrs that I have been listening to his advice.
bikeindy said:People aren't losing their homes because of the banks, their losing their homes because of themselves.
Dennis Alwon said:Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.
iwire said:When I bought my home they pushed for me to borrow more then I was comfortable with.
bikeindy said:Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job.
bikeindy said:Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job. It isin't any different than anybody else trying to sell you something you don't need, which is about 40% of what we buy. If you buy it and then find you can't pay for it, that is your fault. It is time people took responsibility for their actions.
bikeindy said:Bob they sell money it is the "product" they have, pushing you to buy more of their money is their job. It isin't any different than anybody else trying to sell you something you don't need, which is about 40% of what we buy. If you buy it and then find you can't pay for it, that is your fault. It is time people took responsibility for their actions.
realolman said:It's no different than you selling services to people that you know they can't afford, without your having any concern whether or not your installation is safe.
Could the people research whether or not it's needed or look it up in the NEC to see whether or not it's installed correctly? Sure they could.
Why can't the US avoid major debt? Our debt is more than 3X our annual budget and increasing $1,000,000 per minute:brian john said:...The Japanese were buying up America in the 1980's and the end of America was touted, few years later American investor bought the real estate back at a bargain...BUT if I were young I would avoid major debt, which is the same advise my dad gave me and I adhered to this philosophy, so for the most part I am in an OK position should the economy go to hell in a hand basket.
No doubt. But I'd have to say maybe September. October, tops.realolman said:Yes, I'm pretty sure your intellect is beyond that of a June Bug...Dennis Alwon said:Now that is insulting to me....I enjoyed the book and I am pretty sure my intellect is beyond that of a June Bug.