All cable companies are claiming all digital channels.
Well, now we are mixing two cans of worms together. There are two separate and unrelated things that some people get confused:
1) The Digital Transition of the broadcast or over-the-air TV that you receive with an antenna. This is what we have been discussing in this thread. Nothing to do with cable or satellite.
2) The elimination of analog by the cable companies. Even though over-the-air broadcasts are digital the cable companies will convert them to analog, so if you have cable nothing will change.
For now.
The cable companies want to eliminate those analog channels because they are bandwidth hogs and they are running out of room. They can put up to ten digital channels or three or four HD channels in the same space as one analog channel so the switch to digital is a no brainer. Kinda like compressing your computer HD when it runs out of room.
When this happens every TV on cable will either have to have a digital tuner (which all do that have been manufactured in recent years) or a cable box for the TV just to work. A cable box will be required in most cases to get the premium programming, pay-per-view, etc. just like now.
Some cable companies have timed their own change to digital to coincide with the Digital Transition. There are lots of theories as to why, some good, some nefarious.