casualty / other structures permitted to be of Type III, IV and V construction

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casualty, use of nm in hotel/motel?

casualty, use of nm in hotel/motel?

I understand the fight because our firedepartment says it is not allowed but I read the code and it says it can be used in other structures(hotels) as long as the elevator shafts are in a raceway etc. I was just wanting a little clarification on my interpretation of the code. Thanks
I understand the fight because our firedepartment says it is not allowed but I read the code and it says it can be used in other structures(hotels) as long as the elevator shafts are in a raceway etc. I was just wanting a little clarification on my interpretation of the code. Thanks

Whatever the FD wants, the FD gets.:grin:
Understood, I do see how that happens. Behind the scenes however per the building code an M (mercantile) occupancy such as a grocery store when built as a Type VB construction is limited to 1 story and 9,000 square feet. As soon as you exceed the height or area you either have to change the construction type or use sprinklers and fire separation distances to increase the area of the structure.

The stores we do are generally 55,000 to 80,00 sq ft, they have sprinkler systems.

It does not take much to drop a construction type and just because it has metal trusses for the roof does not automatically make it other than a type V construction. There are a lot of other factors that are involved.

I am not following you.:confused:

Most Walmarts, Targets, Grocery Stores, Walgreens, CVS, etc are Type IIIB but we rarely see NM cable ever spec'd out because they are open truss design or lots of dropped ceilings. Many are mass walls with masonry block making NM even harder to install.

In this area, in the past many of those would be NM, but we also have an amendment that removes the prohibition against NM above suspended ceilings. Lately job specs have moved more toward MC or EMT in the open ceiling designs.

I am do not disagree with your interpretation, just explaining the construction types situation from another perspective. A recent Turkey Hill Mini-Mart was VB construction, 5,000 square feet and not one piece of NM was spec'd out by the electrical engineer.

Again you lost me, how does any of that help the OP with his question? :-?
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