Thanks Hal for your comments.
Do you agree that the T725.144 is saying class 2 power source shall not be larger than the rated current per conductor not per set of parallel conductors?
725.144 just says if the cable transmits power and data I am not seeing the PoE exception?
I interpret data as any kind of signal, such as a button.
Why limit a cables ampacity for one class 2 use but not another?
There are 700 watt amps that only require CL2 wiring to the 70.7 volt speakers. The manufacturers got their equipment tested and listed as CL2 so who am I to argue. I do like to use at least 18GA conductors though.
Output Wiring of Amplifiers are in article 640.9 can be treated like class 2 if listed and marked, but are not the same as class2. The amplifier has to be listed and marked for that class, and that listing will specify minimum wire sizes. That is why you can't mix Output Wiring of Amplifiers with other class 2 wiring in the same raceway or cable 725.139(F)
Either way the Ring doorbell manufacturers instructions call for either a 16 or 18 AWG, therefore installing cat5 would be a violation of 110.3(B).
Thanks everyone