Cease and Desist Orders in Texas!

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dduffee260 said:
I sometimes think the TDLR went state wide and handed out Journeyman's cards like they were a Cracker Jack prize just for the revenue.

And master licenses too. Anyone who had around 10 years experience and worked in a non-licensed area could get a grand-fathered master license, even though they never ever held any kind of license before. A person who did nothing but romex for 10 years and never even saw a code book could be a master. Brilliant!
Hi Joe read a lot of your articles over the years. Good stuff. Here in Arizona we have a most wanted list of unlicensed contracting. Posted on a website. Nothing stops it better than having their picture posted. Thomp
What gets me is in the resi-market there will be whole crews of non-English speaking Mexicans and one American licensed electrician, but TDLR does nothing.[/QUOTE]

I am pretty sure there was a few day labor construcci?n electricista working here at the hospital. I am still finding some unusual wiring methods. :rolleyes:
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