Ceiling Fan Down Rod (Raceway??)

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OMG! I just realized I changed the lamp socket in a fixture two weeks ago. Maybe I shouldn't have done that!

And last Friday, I replaced a pull-chain switch in a basement light.

I hang my head in shame.
Welcome to the forum!

To me, no, the rod is not a raceway; it's part of the fan assembly. I have done this on occasion, using small wirenuts (the closer to the right size for the wire, the better the grip.)

I also stagger the joints by an inch or so, and tape them, first individually, then the entire splice length, so the tape on the individual joints doesn't unravel as the adhesive dries out.

Done that too. Glad to know I'm not a hack
Now, to open a new can of worms. Would it be permissible to run 18ga TFFN fixture wire down the down rod instead of full size conductors sized for the branch circuit?

I guess what it amounts to is- is the down rod part of the fixture and are you extending the fixture wiring or are you bringing the branch circuit wiring down to the fixture? Consider a shorter down rod where the included small gauge fixture wire is of sufficient length. :cool:


See my post #30
Ahh, yes. Also see:

402.10 Uses PermittedFixture wires shall be permitted
(1) for installation in luminair and in similar equipment where enclosed or protected and not subject to bending or twisting in use, or (2) for connecting luminaires to the branch-circuit conductors supplying the luminaires.

Handbook commentary:

Fixture wire is permitted to be used as a tap conductor to connect a luminaire(s) to the branch-circuit conductors. The transition from the branch-circuit wiring method to the fixture wire tap conductors can be accomplished via a junction box or other fitting that is allowed to contain splices.


Fixture wire is permitted to be used as a tap conductor to connect a luminaire(s) to the branch-circuit conductors. The transition from the branch-circuit wiring method to the fixture wire tap conductors can be accomplished via a junction box or other fitting that is allowed to contain splices.
Here, we're talking about extending fixture wires; no transition is occurring in the rod.

In fact, I usually use original fan wires from previous fan installations.

The connection to branch-circuit conductors still happens in the ceiling canopy.
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