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brian john said:
Got mine today not a bad 1-1/2 hours online, decent questions.

I had just finished a one week seminar at Bussman in St. Louis and asked if this class could be accepted by PG and submitted two other classes I had taken, none were accepted. In my typical haste to tell them to stuff it. I let my license lapse. In 25 years I have pulled 5 permits in PG, no loss.

Of course now with the Washington Harbor I may have to take a APPROVED CLASS.

Oh love the VA Licensing website, my competition offers the training.
And that would be MC Dean correct?

Marc has the real story
I have always used Jade and took online courses
I always choose subjects that pertain with my work
This year before the deadline I took three courses which were 2008 Code Changes 1,2,3 and I learned allot
By getting in before the deadline I don't have to take any courses until 2011
I checked with the Inspectors Office and the reason they change is because of some of these online courses were not legit
Jade and Mike Holt have good results and a good reputation
But in all things others take advantage and ruin it for everyone
If I am going to take a test I want to learn as much as possible
I remember my first CEU class before you could do it online we had to bring our own code books and some brought code books as old as 1972 and this was only about 10 years ago
If your going to be in business you should keep up on changes
Semper Fi Buddy
steelersman said:
And that would be MC Dean correct?
I can't answer for Brian, but I would suspect that that would be the company. It certainly caught my eye when I was skimming through VA's CEU providers list.

I guess it's kind of like every time I have to buy a name brand gen set, I have to buy it from a company that also installs then.
Im really surprized va makes you do the 3 hr class. the licence laws in Va is a joke.All the state wants is $$$$. Lets enforce the rules and make the state earn there money.
hot wire said:
Im really surprized va makes you do the 3 hr class. the licence laws in Va is a joke.All the state wants is $$$$. Lets enforce the rules and make the state earn there money.
FYI when you take the 3 hour class the money isn't going to the state. You pay whichever company you want to pay that offers the class. I chose an online course for only $30. Not very much when you consider it's only every few years. Not very much even if it was every year. And to take the Journeymans or Masters test I believe I only paid $80. That's not much either. I've heard D.C. charges at least twice that and that they are so corrupt that you might pass but they sometimes tell people that they failed so then they have to pay to retake it. I have no desire to get D.C's license anyhow.
When I got my DC it was a questionable mess, and I know of some close to horror stories and I have a few on my own. But I am told that they have cleaned up that portion of Regulatory Affairs?
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